The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

20 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1935 THE UNION'S SPORTS Radio News and Programs Grace Survives Four-Horse Spill, Wins West Side Race Captures Free-for-All Trot on Exposition Track; Peter Dale and Calumet Cane Other Victors on Light Harness Program BY HAROLD. SE WADE Surviving A spectacular four spill, Grace. bay Ally owned and driv. by W. Gilmour of Schenectady, Y.

came back with an goutal colorfur spurt in the fourth the three scar old trot yesterday afternoon at the Eastern States Exposition to capture the feature event on the second day's program of light harness racing. Placed fifth by the judges after the crash that found four horses piling into each other on the lower turn at the start of the third heat, Grace showed no ill effects of the mishap that found a spectator injured when he attempted to stop the runawas spurt of Dottie Volo, a chestnut Ally owned by. 0 W. Greene of I. I driven by C.

Harting. Grace trailed the pacemaker and drst heat winner, Dayspring, for three-quarters of a mile, then spurted by on the turn to take over a commanding lead that was barely sufficient to withstand the: stretch challenge of High Brooke, vietor in the th.rd heat. The mishap occurred when Dottie Volo cut too closely in front on the turn, colliding with Grace, Before the assembled trotters could segregate from the melee Isabel, from the Oakhurst Farm in Whitingville, Harry Nay up, and Volo Mae, owned by Jchn. Malle; of West Suffield and driven Bil: Cleary, stepped and crunced all over each other, tossing their drivers from the sulkies. No injuries, either to drivers or horses, were reported.

Whil: the spill slowed up the field, Dayspring went off to a substantial load but couldn't protect it High 1 Brooke came through the stretch. 'The other races involved spirited spurts and found Peter Dale, A bay gelding owned by A. Jewell an! piloted by Eddie Morgan w.nning the 2.18 pace and Calumet Cane, a bay stallion, owned and piloted by Charles H. Cleveland of Danville, Que. taking the 2.24 trot.

Peter Dale took the first two heats, leading all the way in each. Hilanna made splendid spurt in the final quarter inove from fourth to Cruickton Queen gave stiff oprosition on the stretch in the second heat but lacked the stamina to overcome tile hand cap. Braden Custer came out on the stretch to take the third heat, Morgan being contest to let Peter Dale coast Into second place. The Calumet horses were the whole show in the .24 trot. Calumet Cane mover! from fifth place on the far turn in the first half mile and trotting outside all the way, moved to the front on the near stretch, closing in to the pole on the low win going away, Calumet Detroit keeping an even pace to take second place.

Calumet Edge led all the way in the second beat. Calumet. Detroit coming up near the finish to again take second place. The pacesetter sl.pped back from the pole at the start of the Anal beat being four lengths behind enterIng the last quarter, but it came fast to puss Calumet Edge and win by tour lengths. Summary: Three trot, purse $500, three heats.

Grace, by. Noon (GI1.) 1 5 Dayspriva, ((Burke) 2 3 High. Brooke, (Toole) 5 Isabel, bf (Nay) 6 ro Velo, Jae, bf (Cleary) 7 ro Delegate, cg (Lancaster) 3 Harmar, ch (Leipt) 00 Duttie Volo, ch (Harting) 6. 5 ro Times, 2.14 2.16 2.16, 2.17. 2.18 price, curse $1000, three heats Peter: Dale, a.

by Peter Pot. 1 Bradeu Custer, bi (Utton) Cruickten Queen, (Rodney) Hilonna, (Stuart) 9 Lechinvar, (Carney) Napoleon Patchen, (Berry) McKinney Volo, (Cameron) 8 Hartford: Peter, (Crozier 00 Volo, 1b (Sunderland) 9 00 Times, 2.06 2.0%, 2.21 trot, purse: $300, three heats. Calumet st, by Peter 1 Calumet: Detroit, br (Sinclair) 2 Brener, (Pickel) 3 Calumet Edge, (Carney) Daybreak Express, (Nay) Vivian, m. (Rodney! Newtoll Hanover, br st, (Cameron) Lettie Dillon, ((Taylor) 8 Times, 2.10½. First Mat Card Of Fall Term in Holyoke Arena Numa and Bartush Headline Program Tonight; Count Zarynoff and Winters in Semifinal The sixth season of autumn wrestling swings into stride tonight in Holyoke's Valley a Arena, and for the in.

augural program the handsome Billy Dartush of Chicago are clashing Numa a of Seattle, and Big in a best two in three falls battle. Boasting brilliant records in the Paper City, both men are confident of Numa has never bee.1 LEO NOM.A defeated there while Bartush's shoulders have only been pinned once. The Swede with the attractive features is the favorite, but upsets have been common in the past in the upriver ring. Bartush's rough and tumble tactics are certain to be met with some clever offensive and defensive work by his rival. In all of his bouts, Numa has shown ability over a long route while Bartush is a much stronger.

starter than finisher. As the B'ack Secret, Numa won recognition for his classy and clean wrestling. Bartush's with Gus Sonnenberg, Don George. Len Macalusco, Charley Strack. Bibby McCoy and others were indicative of powerful grappling.

For Numa, his matches with Nick: Lutze and other stars is a matter of record. The wrestlers carry a limit of 90 minutes, best two in three falls. The promoters have also attempted to present a well balanced series of contests to precede the main event. Acrobatic Count Zarynoff of Ukrania and Danny Winters, the Irishman from Missouri with the easy going style, collide in the half- hour semifinal. Red O'Dell is contracted for a preliminary.

His opponent is Boris Demitrof, the Bulgarian who now makes his Boston. For the opener, young hamster Brady, erstwhile South Hadley High athlete, draws Dike Piranini of New York. The latter pair swing into action at 8.15. COLLEGE FOOTBALL Scrimmage. was on the program during the lone practice session of the Springfield College football squad at.

Pratt Field yesterday afternoon but Coach Jack Rothacher was far from pleased over the result. The first string squad, which hau Raimo at left tackle instead of Knox, could not score and Rothacher immediately started shifting the lineup In a futile effort to get a. smooth working combination. The line was not lifting and, in general, assignmenta were not being carried out. Harvard Springfield (Spccial to The Springfield Union) CAMBRIDGE.

Sept. 17-The Harvard varsity, football situation began to slowly crystallize this afternoon as Head Coach Dick Harlow selected two teams for dummy scrimmage. A18 though the taciturn mentor would not say: so it is almost certain that the group will form the base of the 1935 squad. One team had Dubiel and Knapp at the, ends: Prout and Adlis at the tackles: Husband and Kessler at the guards; Greeley at center; Hedblom at quarter; Jackson and Watt at the halves and Moseley at fullback. On the other eleven were Downes and Kelly at the wings: Spring and Watson at the tackles; Young and Glendenning at the guards; Jones at center: Capt.

"Haley at quarter; Struck and Ford at the halves and Prouty at fullback. Williams WILLIAMSTOWN, Sept. 17 The Williams football team went through tivo long practice sessions today but Coach. Charles Caldwell does not plan to hold scrimmage until late' in the week. Selsich, who has played tivo years at halfback, is receiving a trial at quarterback this fall, succeeding Nick Holmes who has returned to his halfback berth.

Holmes is the team's best ball toter. Moseley and Stanley complete the first string combination behind the line, the latter having recovered from a minor Injury. a sophom*ore. also is getting a chance in the varsity backfield because of his punting. Mass.

State Mass. State AMHERST, Sept. 17-With college slated to open officially tomorrow several new men reported to the Massa: chusetts State grid squad today. 7 California Will Have Smaller Men In Most Positions Allison Plans to Call on 200- Pound, Quarterback, 161- Pound Fullback; Play- ers Experienced BERKELEY, Sept. 17.

(AP)Little men in positions where hig men crouched before and a decided toward the time-honored punt formation for starting, ground-gaining attacks are football development at the Leonard University "Stub" of California. Allison who replaced Bill Ingram in the top ing role late last season, makes his bid for Pacific Coast Conference recognition with fine, new material. There is shortage in experienced talent, either. In sharp contrast to last years team, beefy players will be conspicutheir absence. It necessary, Allison will be able to trot a ton.

or more of talent onto the Meld at one time. Lighter and faster men are the order of the day at Berkeley, however. Under the new plan of pigskin play. the fullback will be a comparative midget when weighed against predecessors. Jack.

Howard, up from tite freshmen, tips the beam at 161 pounas. In contrast. the quarterback, with blocking duties mainly, will be a huze fellow. George Smith, who apparently has first call at this berta, is a 200- pounder. The other backs are of the light variety.

Larry Lutz, lar tackle, reported trained down to -01 pounds this fam. 225 Last year he. showed up carrying pounds. The starting eleven wit: average less weight than in 1934. Haugdahl Exposition Entries Haugdahl Sends Two Auto Entries Sig lIaugdahl, Norwegian mechanic, race driver, and world's record holder of a few years sends entries into the Nato be featured the Eastern States tion Circuit Chain Championship auto races Exposition Friday a.

Saturday, bringing to life the thrills and chills that he once gave Springfield race fans. Sig has now retired and settied back the art of designing fast facing machinandso which he will trust of Rex E- munds of Daytona Beach, and the other with Frank Sands of. Orr, Minn. Neither Edmunds nor: Sands are youths in the racing and it is natural for A man like Haugdahl to keep only such men in his stable, both having served the school of "fast turns and dust eating" before gaining the reputation equal to Sig Haugdahl speed creation. Sands will be front Orr, where he still serves remembered as the Dashing, Sheirf and spends his winters.

The summer season is spent as his only vacation and he enters only in the major races of the year. Edmunds gained his fame on the tracks through Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and on the West Coast. Edmunds will be driving No. 83, a Diller while Sands will control a MadisonMiller for the old king of dirt. Entries close tonight at the Worthy Hotel speed headquarters.

FROM SEMIPRO and AMATEUR GRIDS HOLYOKE, Sept. A. organized under Bucky Gorham, is looking for an out of town game for Sept. 29. Such fast teams as the Zylonites, Ludlow Tigers, FrancoAmericans and others are asked to take notice.

Ax workout will be. held Thursday night with Coach Stewie Krause win charge. 5 HOLYOKE, Sept. 17. -Every City League team, Stonewalls.

Crescents, Polish Churchills and Springdale, held a lengthy workout tonight. Coaches emphasized on signal sessions and a few of the squads engaged in contact work. The Stonewalls, Springdales and P. expect to open their season on Sunday, with the South Holyoke team furnishing local entertainment at Falco Field. Chicopee Falls A.

A. juniors football team, one of the leading teams in Chicopee has organized for the sixth straight season. In the past. five years the Falls team won 39; lost four' and played two scoreless ties. The team is being coached by John Paradise and the mentor issues a call for candidates to report 'at the Polish Athletics clubrooms, Main tomorrow night at 6.30 p.

m. The Jrs. were victorious over such clubs as Westfield A. Worthington A. A.

Westford Jru. Crescents A. Reserves, Lincoln A. Golden Lakes Hazardville Powder. Kegs.

Orchard Tigers have a workout slated for' the Myrtle St. Playground tonight at 7 and all candidates are asked be on hand. Games are wanted with all leading semi- pro elevens. Call 8963. Franco Americans of Three Rivers are looking for games with leading teams in Western Mass.

For write Barney Otis. 9. Depot Palmer. A misunderstanding between some of the players and the coach has caused trouble in the camp of the Springfield Indians it is reported. Coach Murnane," however, wishes to iron out all difficulties and requests that all candidates out for the club put in appearances at West St.

for practice sessions on Thursday And Friday nights. Manager Larry Raymond stated last night that no cuts have been made in the squad as yet that none will be made until after the Friday workout. THOMPSONVILLE, Sept. Thompsonville Greys seek a game for Sept. 29.

Teams interested should write Sid. Fisher, 2 Main St. Clune have yet to a cut in the Coaches Tom Leary, and Curly large Shamrock football squad which is out for every workout. The squad was sent through another. two-hour session last night and coaches Te.

ported themselves well pleased with the work of the players. Another drill is scheduled for tomorrow night at 6.45 and following the workout it is expected that the players who will represent the Shammies this season will be picked. BINGHAMTON EVENS SERIES SCRANTON, Sept. 17, (AP)The Binghamton Triplets evened the count at three-all in the New YorkPennsylvania Baseball League playoffs today by downing the Scranton Diners, to 6. A.

three-run rally in the ninth was the Trips' margin of victory. Score: Innings 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Binghamton 2 0.000 0 2 3 3 0-9 16.3 Scranton 0000 1 0 5 0 12 1 Olds Rego and Collins; Schenler, Gilvary, Shaute O'Flaherty. less Pal. Shot Up, Fra Diavolo. FOURTH RACE--The Parkside handicay; class first division; 3 year olds and up; 11-16 miles.

Watch Him (Wright) 6 4-5 Royal Guard (Meade) 3-5 1-4 Rust (Malley) 1-2 Also ran: North Wales II, Fortification, Chancelime. FIFTH RACE The Parkalde, second division; 3 year olds and up; 1 1-16 miles. Star Shadow 7-6 3-5 Old Story 2-5 out Gallant Prince (Wright) 1-4 ran: Glittering, On Rush. SIXTH RACE -Purse. $900; claiming: 3 year olds and up; 6 furlongs.

A Diablerie (Wright) 3 6-5 3-5 Caught (Meade) 2 4-5 Miss Chicro (Gilbert) 7-5 ran: Penway, Warstripes, Clientelle, Granny's Trade, General Pulankt, Boswell's Johnson Will Visit Radio "Flood Is Original Air Drama, to Be Repeated; World Affairs Excerpts from the life of Doctor Samuel Johnson, famed 18th century lexicographer, essayist, critic, wit and conversationalist will be: dramatized, on his 226th birthday, over WBZA at 10.30 p. 111. The script will draw upon Boswell's famous life of Johnson. "The Flood Is Rising," an original radio drama written for the Reichs Rundfunk Gesellschaft by Dr. Geno Ohlischlager and translated into English by Kurt.

will. be repeated over WTIC at: 10 p. m. The drama was written from the court records of a trial following the events of the story. The scene is a theater in Naples in April 1898, and concerns Torro, a magician who attempts to gain vengeance against a woman.

Oscar Shaw and Carmela l'onselle, renowed in their respective fields of musical comedy and opera, will take the spotlight. in Broadway Varieties beginning tonight at 8.30 over WMAS. Warden Lewis E. Lawes. in.

a new series of dramatized stories from within the walls of Sing Sing, New York's famous prison will return to the air at 9.30 m. Warden Lawes will play his own part in the 20,000 years in Sing Sing episodes that will be authentic in every detail except for the names of the characters. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise will address radio listeners: over WABC at 7.15 p. m.

Returning from, Europe, this will be his first radio talk since he left for his extensive trip abroad. Ha will give his observations of the cur-. rent European scene acquired during his trip. John H. Shaw, first consul general of the Ethiopian government in the United States.

appointed to that post recently by Emperor. Halle Selassie, will be heard over WAAS on. "The Ethiopian Situation," at 11.15 p. m. Today's Programs WIZA-SPRINGFIELD, 990 A.M.

7.00: Musical Clock, Mac and Ray 9.00 Church Hymns; Radio, Journal 9.30 10.00. The Breakfast (orchestra) 10.30 Press; Piano; Edward McHugh Today's Children: Bradley, Kincald 11.00 Fish Stories: Wendell Hall I'. 11.30 M. The United States Army Band 12.30 Journal: Words and Music 12.01 Weather: Music; Views of the News 1.00 New Eng. farms; Farm and Home 2.30 The Home Forum Cooking School 3.00 Harmony; Animals In the News 3.30 Scandinavian Mus'c Festival 4.00 Betty and Bob; Easy Aces 4.30: Ranny Weeks and his Orchestra 5.00 Views of the News: Farm News 5.30 Singing.

Lady, Little Orphan. Annie WMAS-SPRINGFIELD. 1420 A. M. 1.30% Musical Parade; Services; Devotions 8.30.

Melody Express: Dear Audience. 9.45: Madison Singers: Red Cross talk 10,05 Romany Trail: News; Weather 11.30 10.45 Sandra Walter Kidder; Shopping program P.M. Brown; Mixed Quartet 12.01 The Noonday Musicale; The Gumps 12.30 Improvement League; Ed Tacey 1.00 Farm and Garden; Piano Rambies 3.00 Baseball- Boston vs. Detroit 1.30 2.00 News, Weather: Concert' Miniatures 2.30 Between Bookends: Happy Hollow Mildred and BE Roberta: Consumers 5.00 Hit and Bits of the Day 5.30 All- Boy: Patti Chapin 1040 A. M.

1.00 The Morning Watch 8.00 News service; Harmony Fingers 8.30 Cheerio program, Woman's Bazar 9.30 Fields and Hall; The Wife Saver 10.00 Magazine of Air; Girl Alone 10.30 Hum and Strum; Pop. Concert 11.15% Dorothy Dreslein; Trail Finder 11.45 Jane Ellison's. Magic: Recipes P. M. 12.01.

Ward Muzzy; Honeyboy, Sassafr's 12.30 1.00 Norman Cloutier's Merry Madcaps. News: Serenade; The Laurel Trio 1.30 Dick Fidler and bis Orchestra 2.00% Guy Hedlund and his Company 2.30 The Mexican Marimba Orchestra 3.00 Home Sweet Home; Vic and Sade 3.30 Ma Perkins: Barry McKinley 4.00 The Woman's Radio Review (talks) 4.30 Masquerade: Grandpa Burton 5.00 Blue Room Echoes; Al Pearce 5.30 Harpist recital; San and Dick WDRC-HARTFORD. 1330 A. 8.00 News service: Shoppers'. Special 9.00: Same A5 Station 11.00 10.15: Music Variety: News; llarmony Rita and Al: Health program 11.30 Sandra Brown; Otto Neubauer F.

M. 12.01 Voice of Experience; The Gumps 12.30: Mary Marlin; The Ad Liner 11.16 Conn. Markets: Retty. Buckland: 1.30 News; Concert Miniatures 2.00 Melody Girls; Louise Kuchta 2.30 Same as Station WArA'S 6.15 Melodic Moments: Same AR WEAF--NEW YORK, 660 A.M. 7.30 Bill and Jane; Xylophone recital 8.00 Spareribs: Same as Station WTIC 9.00 Organ: Fields Hall; Wife Saver 10.00 Press-Radio; Songs; Girl Alone 10.30 Breen Rose; Betty Crocker 11.00 Fiano recital; Same as P.

M. 1.00 Markets; Lee Gordon's or Orchestra 1.30 Kiwanis Club Luncheon Program 2.00 The Chandler Goldwalthe Ensemble 2.30 Same as Station TIC 5.00 Al Pearce and his Gang (variety) 5.30 James Wilkinson; Sam and Dick A.M. WIZ--NEW 760 10 7.20 Pollock. Lawnhurst: Rise Shine 8.00 Morning Devotions; Pals: Organ 8.45 Landt Trio, White: Same as IVI3ZA 10.45 Herman and Banta; Honeymooners 11.15 Same a9 Station IT BZA P. M.

12.01: Simpson Boys--Allen and Fennelly 12.15 Merry Macs; Words and Music: 1.00 Happy Jack; The Kilmer Family 1.30: The National Farm and Home Hour 2.30 Fred Schmitt's Golden Melody 3.00: Harmony; Radio Exposition 3.30 Same as Station WBZA 5.00 Log of Day; Same A8 W' BZA WARC--NEW YORK, 860 A. M. 7.30 Organ; The Oleanders: Pianist 8.26 Chapel Songs; Bluebirds 9.00 Pear Audience: Madison Singers 10.00 Press: Melody; The Romany Trail 10.30 Rhythm Bandbox: The Cab'ge Patch 11.00% Cooking Closeups: Blanche Sweet 11.30 Sandra Brown; Just Plain Bill P', M. 12.01 Same as Station WDRC. 12.45: Five Star Jones; ERA program 1.15 Piano Recital; Concert Miniatures 2,00 Little French Princess: Helen Trent 2.30 Retween Bookends: Happy Hollow 3.00 Viviar.

della Chiesa; Whoa Pincus 4.00: The Hoosier Hop: Loretta Lee. 5.00 Mount and Gest; Same WDRO WGY-SCHENECTADY, 790 A. M. 7.30: The Early Bird Musical Clock 8.00 Musical Clock: Cheerio Program 9.00 Church Hymns; Same as WEAR P. M.

12.01 Music program; Yodeling Cowboys 12.30 Music program; Bag and BaggAge 1,00 Gordon's Orchestra; The Oleanders 1:30 The Farm and Garden program. 2.00: Song recital: Household 2.30 Same A8 Station WEAF. 4.30 Scissors and Paste: Stock reports 5.00 Musical: Same as WEAF WOR- 710 A. M. 6.45% The Musical Gym.

Clock 7.30 Vincent Sorey and his Orchestre 8.00 News: Beauty program; Music 8.30 Martha Manning: Organ recital 9.00 Church Hymns: Organ recital 9 3) Story Teller; Back Stage. Wife. 10.00 Pure Food; Dancing Instruction 11.15. The Miles Club; Minstrel Show P. M.

12.01 Charm Cruise: Hayes McGiniey 12.30 New bulletins: Painted Dreams 1.00 Love Doctor; Sylvia Clyde 1.30 Rosaline Greene; Bide Dudley 2.0) Psychology; Jerry Marsh 2 30 Martha Deane- -The Hour 3.00 Dance Ensemble; Museum. program 3.30 Studio Orchestra Program 4.00 Gretta Palmer: Tenor recital 4.30 Organ recital: Dorothea Ponco 5.00 Rosaline Greene; Afernoon. Dreams 5.30 Marilyn Duke; Walter Ahrens Tonight's Programs WBZA-SPRINGFIELD, 900 6.00 Animal News; The Stamp Club 6.30 Press- -Radio News; Musicale 6,40 Sporta Brietes. Lowell Thomas HIGHLIGHTS OF THE EVENING VARIETY Rendezvous Broadway Variety WDRC Thomas' Neighbors WBZA Fred Allen WTIC and WDRC 10.00 CONCERT Sinfonietta WOR DRAMA One Man's Family WTIC Lone Ranger WOR "House of Glass WBZA Six -Gun Justice WMAS Warden Lawes "Flood is Rising" WTIC 10.00 "Samuel Johnson" WBZA March of Time WDRC Light Out WEAK READINGS David Ross WMAS COMMENT 1 Heywood Broun WOR Upton Close WOR TALKS Europe WABC The Governor WMAS Ethiopia WMAS 11.15 DANCE Wayne King WTIC Mark Warnow WMAS Charles Reader WBZA 10.00 Milton Ebbing WMAS 10.00 Ray Noble WTIC 10.30 Weeks WOR Manny Laporte WEAF 11.00 Johnny: Hamp WABC 11.00 Joe Rines WBZA 11.05 Dorsey Brothers WOR 11.15 Luigi Romanelli WEZ.A 11.30 Claude Hopkins WMAS 11.30 Glenn Lee WTIC: 11.30 George Duffy WOR 11.45 Ben Bernie WEAR 12.00 Frankie Masters WABC 12.00 Veloz- Yolanda WOR 12.00 Bob WBZA 12.03 Billy Bissett: WBZA 12.30 Dick Messner WABC: 12.30 Horace Heidt WOR 12.30 7.00 Dinner Concert: Tony and Gus 7.30 Lum Abner; Dangerous Paradise 8.00 Rendezvous Revue: House of Glase 9.00% Thomas and his Neighbors 9.30: 20,000 Tears in Sing Sing 10.00% Charles Reader and his Orchestra 10.30 "Life of Samuel Johnson' -Drama 11.00 Time: Weather: Baseball scores 11,05 Joe Rines And his Orcnestra 11.30 Luigi Rot and, Orchestra 12.00 Chester's Orchestra 12:30 Billy and his Orchestra' WMAS-SPRINGFIELD, 1420 6.00 News: Baseball; Sports Lane 6.30. The Minute Mien! The Whalers 7.000 Web Maxim and his Orchestra 7.30.

The Governor: Around the Town 8:00 Safety Legion; Deutsch's Rhythms. 9.00 8.30 Six Broadway Varieties- Oscar Shaw: Justice (drama) 9.30 Mark WA now and. his Orchestra 10.00 Milton Ebbing and. his Orchestra 10.30 Marimba Soloist; Davis Ross 11.00 News; Weather: Baseball Scores 11.16 Situation 11.30 Claude Hopkins and his Orchestra TIC-HARTFORD, 1010 6.00 Wrightville Clarion: News Program 6.35 Baseball scores; The kanch Boys 7.00 mos 'n' Andy; The Dyno Trio 7.30 8.00% Rhythm of the Day; Frank Sherry One Man's Family (drama) 8.30 Wayne King and his Orchestra 9.00 Fred Allen and dis Town Hall Show 10.00 Flood is 10.30 Ray Noble and his Orchestra 11.00 News; Many Laporte's Orchestra 11.30 Glenn Lee's Orchestra; Organ 1330 6.00 News Service: The Rangers 6.30% Poetic Strings; Baseball Scores 7.00 String Ensemble: The Dvno Trio 7.30 She, They: Boake Carter8.00 The Foursome: Same as WMAS 10.00 The Adventures of Gracie (romedy) 10.30 March of Time: Same as WMAS -NEW YORK, 660 6.00 Flying Time; Meyer's Orchestra 6.30 Press- Radio; Ray Heatherton: 6.45 Billy and Betty: Amos 'n' Andy 7.15 Uncle Ezza; American Schools 7.45 City Voices; Same as WTIC. 11.00 Mahnny Laporte and his Orchestra 11.30% Glenn Lee's Orchestra; Organ 12.00.

Ben Bernie and his Orchestra 12.30 Lights Out YORK. :760 6.00 Animal News: The Stamp Club 6.30 Press: Sisters; Same as WBZA. 11.00 Dorothy Lamour: Negro Quartet 11.30 Same af Station YORK. 860 6.00 Buck Rogers: 'The Rangers 6.30 Music Box: Poetic Strings; News 7.00 Just Entertainment. (music) 7.15 Rabbi Wise- European Situation 7.30 Same as Station WDRC 11.00 Johnny Hamp: and his Orchestra' 11.15 Sha Situation" 11.30 Claude Hopkins and his Orchestra 12.00 Frankie Masters and his Orchestra 12.30 Dick Messner and his Orchestra 190 6.00 Same as Station WEAF 6.35 Brevities: Songs: Baseball news 7.00 Amos'n' Andy: Uncle Ezra: 7.30 Jim Healey; Young's Orchestra 8,00 Same as Station WEAP WOR-NEWARK, 310 6.00 A Uncle Don -Children's Program 6.30 News bulletins; Organ recital 7.00 Sports: Victor Young's Orchestra 7.30 Hernandez Brothers; Tne Puzzlers 8.00 Lone Music for Today: 9.00 Musical Moments; Heywood Broun 9.30 Alfred Wallenstein's Sinfonietta 10.00 The Siberian Singers; Upton 10.30 Anson Weeks and his Orchestra 11.90 Weather report; Current Events 11.15 Dorsey Brothers and Orchestra: 11.45 George Duffy and his Orchestra 2,00 Veloz- Yolanda and Orchestra 12.30 Horace Heidt and his Orchestra Tomorrow's Programs 990 A.M.

7.00 Musical Clock: Whistles' Dog 7,30 $.30 Musical Harmony Clock; Figures: Serenade: Mac. and Homest Ray a 9.00 Church Hymns: Radio Journal, 9.30 The Breakfast Club (orchestra), 10.30 Today's Children; Time: Music 10.00 Prees: Harmony: Edward 0 MacHurb 11,00 McGoogle Family; Wendell Hall 11.30 The United States Navy Band. P.M. 12.01 Weather: Music; Views of the Newa 13.30 Radio Journal: Words Music 1,00 New Eng. farms: Farm and Home 2.30 The Home Forum Cooking Schoot 3.00 Music Guild: The Wise Man 4 3.30 Books.

and Authors: Norse Quartet 4.30 Ranny Weeks and his Orchestra 4.00 Betty and Bob; The Easy Aces. 5.30 Singing Little Orphan Annie 5.00 Views of the News: Farm 1420 news. a P.M. 7.30 Music Parade: Services: Devotions 8.30 Melody Expresa; Review of Revues 9.45 The Volga: Cooking; Captivator 10.30 Weather; The Hemingways 11.00 Shopper: Plano; To be P.M, 12.0 To be announced: The Merrymakers 12.30 Evelyn Beane; Ed Tacey (cowboy) 1.00 Farm and Garden; Tne. Old Sherif 1.30 News: Weather.

Concert Miniatures, 2.00 Rhythm Aces; Yankee Quartet 2.30 Retween Booknds; Happy liollow 3.00 Raseball-Boston vs. Detroit 4.30 Hits and Bite; Pollen Orchestra. 5.30 American Bov: Armchair. Traveler FORD. 1040 A.M.

7,00 Tho Morning Watch. 8.00 News; Morning Glories 0.30 Cheerio Program; Woman's Bazaar 9.30 Fields and Hall: Rhythm Frolic. 10.00 Magazine of the Air: Girl Alone 10.30 Hum Strum: Moru'ng Parade 11.15 Jib, Jab, Josh; Fountain of Song 7 P.M. 3 3 12.01 Organ recital: Honeyboy, Sassafras 12.30 Norman Cloutier's Merry Madrapr 1.00 News Bulletins; Music Serenade 1:20 Weather; Markets; Health program 1.30: The Blue Room Echoes (concert) 2.00 Pure Food; Daytime Dancers 2.30 Al Pearce and bis Gang. (variety) 3.00 Home Sweet Home: Vic and Sade.

3.30 Ma Perkins; Barry McKinlev. Iowa Farmers Union- Meeting 1.30 Masquerade: The Tintype Tenor 5.00 Meredith Willaon and Orchestra 5.30 Carol Dels -Ben Klassen WDRO-HARTFORD, 1330 A.M. 8.00 News Service: 'Shopper's Special 9.00 Same as Station WMAS. 10.46 The Bluebirds: Poetic Strings 17.30 Uncle Sam; Meyer' Serenaders P.M. A4 12.01.

Voice of Experience; Merrymakers 12 30 Mary Marlin; The Ad Liner. 1.15 Market Bulletin; Phil Boudin! 1.30 News Service: Concert Miniatures. 2.00 The Diplomats; Same as WMAS 5.15 Instrumentalists; American Boy 5.45 Tito Gulzar (pong program) WEAF--NEW YORK. 7.30 BIll and Jane: Xylophone 8.00 Same WTIC. 9.00 Organ: Fields Hall; The Cowboys.

10.00 Prese-Radio; Songs: Girl Alone 10.10 -De Bore; Mornins Parade ACROSS THE BORDER Short wave broadcasts scheduled for today are as follows. Eastern Day. light Saving Time, is given: BERLIN-7 p. m. Spots and Dark Spots of Everyday." DJD, 25.4 m.

(11,770 kc.) ROME-7 p.m.-Program dedicated to International Federation of Professional and Business Women. Band of the Royal Metropolitan Police Force of Rome. of 18th Century, by Vera Sciuto and Matilde Cappont. 2RO, 31.1 m. (9635 kc.) p.

"Harvest Songs and Harvest Dances." DJD, 25.4 (11,770 kc.) CARCAS, p. m. -Operatic Arias by Hilda Jagemberg de Pietri and Jose Picatoste Cerecoda: YV2RC, 49.8 (6112 kc.) LONDON-11 p. m. Waterfront: Excursions from 25.5 m.

London (11,750 Bridge kc), or to GSC, 31.3 m. (9580 or GSL, 49.1 m. (6110 kc.) 000 FRANK Pencader, Dark Ayr, Prophyry, Good Sense, Light Brook. up: SEVENTH miles. RACE--Three year olds and Zembla (Phillips) ..10.70 4.60 3.40 Tempo (Decamillas) 4.90 4.80 Repeal: (Smith) 8.40 Also ran -Bendromel, McDonald Okay Winchell, Why Mask, Wise Ad.

Vocate, Jambalaya, Brad. HAWTHORNE furlongs. FIRST RACE--Two year old fillies; Old Hop (Keester) 7.60 4.20 3.80 I See (Haas) 4.40 3.80 Seventh Heaven (Corbett) 11.80 Also ran- Little Van, Tap Dancer, Miss away, Sensation, Birds Edward J. Bombastic, Fan. Louisette.

Eye, Early dour, Lauy SECOND RACE- Three year: olds and up; furlongs. Scotch Pepper (Brammer) 16.60 10.60 5.60 Oft Duty (King) 35.60. 17.20 Fair Image (McCoy) 4.20 Also Escadron, Yed Kildee Mary, Gov. Laffoon, Annan, Preferred, Royal THIRD Rover, Naughty Polly, Chokoloskee. 1 1.16 RACE--Three year olds and up; miles.

Ca (Ritz) S.10 5.10 flabbergast (King) 6.30 3.60 Sam Alexander (Brammer) 2.80 Also Precious Betty, Sym Jack, Port O'Play, Justa Sheik, HarMonical, Cloido. FOURTH RACE--Three year old Allies; 013 1urlongs. Busy Storm (McCown) 3.00 2.50 Lucy Dear. (Brammer): 3.80 2.60 2.40 (Hanka) 3.10 Also ran-Una Miss Princess, l'anora, siama, Rickety Jane, Mamie Miss Higgins, Catherine T. FIFTHS RACE--Three year' olds and up; furlongs.

Bulstrode (McCoy) .39.40 11.60 6.00 Silk Mask (Corbett) 2.80. 2.60 Official (Rodriguez) Also Blonde, Water Splash, Cotton Club. 3 SIXTH RACE -Two year olds; 5 12 furlongs. Kingsbury (Haber) 9.80 6.40 5.60 Mr. Ricks (King) 8.90 9.00 Mount Echo (Hanka) 6.00 Also ran- Two Edged, Blue Bud, Speed limit, Holl Image, Bohemian Lass, Betty Shaw, French Boy, Black Bess, Crimo.

line. SEVENTH RACE--Three year olds and up; 1 1.16 Busy Spain (Brammer) 5.60 3,40 2.60 Kievson (Lang) 4,20 3.80 Little Doggie (King) 4.80 Also ran--Chrysostum, Uncle Fred, Show Boy, Burning Up. EIGHTH RACE--Three year: olds and up; 1. 1-16 miles. Black Nose: (Lake) 4.40 3.60 2.60 Bistrita (Ray) 8.60 :4.20 Bichloride (Hale) 4.00 Also ran--My Gentleman, Six Bells, Jo.

seph J. Brass Buttons. AT DETROIT FIRST RACE--Three year olds and up; 6 furlongs, Lumiliton (Creeso) .10.00 4.60 3.00 Ana (Holman) 3.40 2.80 Roentjenologist (Parvin). 5.40 Also ran-Knockaway, Donna Peep, Baby Bane, Babel Krasa, Pretty Wise, Catchfly, Sweep Myth, Sneeze, Ridgeview: SECOND RACE-Two year olde; 6 longs. Our.

Carolyne (Smith) .11.20 5.80 3.40 Minnie Greenock (Pollard) 6.60 3.60 Inscona (lorn) 3.40 Also ran -Kate Greenaway, Little Peggy, Love Lyric, Hi Well, Wardell Ormont, Elanac, Patriot, Imperial Maryan. RACE--Three year olds and up; 6 furlongs. (Craig) 7.80 4.00 3.00 Servant Pride (Albrecht), 15.40 6.40 Benefit (Mojena) 3.00 Also ran-Mrs. Fab, The Hun, Oderic, Meany, Dorothy; Alice, Green Shadow, van, Chiclard, Brilliant Dee. FOURTH RACE--Three year olds; 6 furlongs.

White Ginger (Hardy) 9.20 4.00 3.00 Contrary (Summers) 6,80 3.60: Gallant Miss (Johnson) 3.60 Also ran--Simple Flower, Maylite, Love. sick. Sis Owen, Wee Princess. FIFTH RACE--Three year olds; mile and: House :70 yards. 37.60 11.20 7.40 Countess Bye (Johnson) 9.20 5.60 Gallant Gay (Creese) 5.10 Also Bran- Blind River.

I King. Lost Laughter, Swiftlet, Pantaur, Quick Decisi Lucky Ruth. Handsome John. SIXTH RACE- Three year olds and up; 1 miles. My Peter (Turner) 9:40 4.20 2.80 Right Rank (Albrecht) 5.80 4.30 Ted Conrad (Holman) 4.20 Also ran--Flower Day, Feedeeque, All Rowes, Para Four, SEVENTH RACE--Four year olds and up; mile and.

70 yards. Bender First: (O' Malley). 16.60 8.00 5.40 Fire Mask. (Atking) 4,00 2.40 Black Flash (Turner) 5.80 Also TAN-Arctic Star, Bolinty, Screen, Precious Maid, Col. Hatfeld, Migosh, Luna Mica.

EIGHTH RACE -Four year olds: and up: 1 1-16 miles. Judge Leuders (Burns) 15.60 1.40 4.00 Diat: (Turner) 3.40 2.80 Donday (Smith) 6.00 Also ran--Lugano, Cloiwald, Swaggerstick, Morris a Reverberate, Culloden, Yancey, Teeny Weeny. AT JAMATICA FIRST RACE--Purse $800; maiden year. olds: Yankee Skipper 7-5 Her Reigh (Workman) 3-5 1-3 Good Chance (Wright) 2-5 Also ran: Flying Dervish, Introductory, Mariato, Samakoya, Cantakit, Nominpe, Paralda, Bristle, Sunadalr, Torch Man, RACE -Purse: $300; clalming; year olds; 6 furlongs. Lady Charmian (Arcaro) 13-10 2-5 -1-5 Miss Bam 2 San Marino (Knott) 7-10 Also Brave Errand, Hunterdon, Energetic Lady, Reigh Tetrarch, Vale of Tears, Trebor, THIRD RACK- Purse $900; maiden 2 year olds: Liberal (Arcaro) 6-5 3-6 Prevention (Renick) 1 1-2 Shining Sun (Watters) 6-2 Also ran: Tramway, Savernake, GallopOn.

Fling Centaur, Quick Look, Peer- REX EDMUNDS -i Racing Results AT CONEY ISLAND furlnogs. FIRST RACE--Two year old Billes: Rebekah. (South) 2.60 2.20 2.20 Miss' Greenock (Garner) 2.40 2.20 Porcellus (Morrison) 2.20 Also Sourdine, ran- Ormonette, Lady Thirteen, Nana R. up; furlongs. SECOND RACE -Three year olds and Jazz Age (Morrison) 6.80 3.70 2.60 Lucky Amelia (Fallon) 3.60 2.40 Try King (Arnold) 3.20 Also ran--Clovis, Chortle, French Knight, Abby supernatural, Serena, Dick Star, Little THIRD RACE--Three and 4 year olds; 1 1.16 miles.

Carmelian (Garner) 5.20 4.00 3.20 Rich Phil (Montgomery) 14.60 8.40 Apple Also Time (Farrell) 9.20. ran Bronzed, Golden Watch, Eniz, Puddinhead, Repetelle, FootPun. FOURTH RACE--Three year olds and up; 6 furlongs, Von Romiro I Roberts) 8.00 4.20 3.20 Dauntless Miss (Fallon) 3.10 2.10 olg Agnes (south) 2.60 Also ran Master Beau, Lady Marlboro, Skalkahoo, Synopsis, year olds and up; mile and 70 yards. tuts 4.00 2.80 2.60 Yantis (Fernandez) 3.00 2.80 Friend Cuarley (south) 4.60 Also ran- Vitamin American Prince, Little Actor, Brillian Rose. SIXTH RACE--Three year olds and up; mile and TV yards.

Gay Monarch (Hernandez) 2.60 3.60 2.20 Wise Bessa (Fallon) 4.00 3.20 Compensatory (South) 3.00 ran-Miy Blaze, Chance King, Gay Joe; High Diver, SEVENTH RACE--Three year olds and up; furlongs. Lucky Turn (Boganaskl). 10.00 6.80 3.40 cud 5.60 3.40 Leo (Fernandez) 2.60 Also: ran -Gunnie. Oswego Princess, Maxine F. Baggage Master, hathryn Wattie, Ridge.

Lauy, Shadow Dawn, Ripper, Bonivan. 4. AT ROCKINGHAM maidens; furlongs. FIRST RACE- -Purse $800; 2 year. old Onus (Stout) .13.60 4.80 4.30 ar and Past (Lynch) 3.30 2.90 Nolice Me (Wagner) 6.80 Also ran--My Prisoner, -Professor Paul, Tales, Play Chance, Gay Buddy, A.

O'ConAdil, Dian Dash, Peter Pepper, Sallandry. SECOND RACE--Purse $800: claiming; maiden 3 year olds and up; furlongs. 6.10 4.40 3.30 Sun Clothing (Stout) 7,00 4.40 Yehonala (Hanford) 4.60 Also ran- Yankee Prince, Cutle Girl, Molly, High Marrone, Red Cap II, Royal Lineage, Black Romeo, Jezreel, Ginger Hackle. THIRD RACE- -Purse $800; claiming; 3 year olds up; 6 furlongs. Desperado (Mauro) 39.10 13.80 10.20 Greenstone (Hanford) 25.10 13.30 Morgil (Finnerty) 14.70 Also ran-Raccoon, Tiger John, Heroson, Annarita, Condescend, Burleigh, layaway, l'ana Franka, Helios.

FOURTH RACE- -Purse $1200; claiming; 3 year. olds and up; 6 furlongs. Bahamas (Mauro) 22.60 11.00 5.10 High Image (Stout) 20.10 5.20 Barcarolle (Stevenson) 2.50 Also ran--Pundit, Blackmail, Golden Fate. Gentle Knight. FIFTH -RACE -The Beaver Lake Han.

dicap: purse $1500; 3 year olds and up; 1 1.16 miles. New Deal (Pascuma) 5.80 3.00 2.10 Ebony Lady (Mauro) 2.70 2.20 Hardware (Fels) 2.70 Also ran- Crystal Prince, Gov. Sholtz. SIXTH RACE -Purse $1000; claiming; 38 3 year olds and up; one mile. High Finance (Stevenson) 6.90 6.20 Fake (Hanford) 1 6.00 4.40 3.20 Chrysmute (Deering) 5.80 Also ran-Zevar, Mountain Elk, Adam.

ite, Idle Along, Stone: Martin, Frimute, Hoosier's Pride, Col. Greene. SEVENTH RACE -Purse $1000: claiming; 3 year olds and up; one: mile. Golden Scepter (Lynch) 12.10. 10.20.

6.10 Toano (Hooper) 6.10 8.90 Playful Martha (Deering) 4.90 Alco ran- Social Joe Jay, Climber, Yap, Caerleon, ligh. est. Point; RIGHTH RACE--Purse $800; claiming: olds and up; miles. Patcheye. (Hanford) 10.80 6.60 4.30 Mynah (Stout) 7.50 4.80 Draguz (Deering) 1.60 Also ran- -Teeter Totter, On Sir, Gram.

arye, Olamay. AT HAVRE DE GRACE FIRST RACE--Three year olds; 1 miles. Braving Danger (Peters). 14.10 6.30 2.30 Ship Executive (Merritt). 6.10 2.10 Guilding Star (Rosen) 2.10 Also ran- -Baby Sis, Foggy Dawn, In Advanca.

SECOND RACE -Malden 2 year olds; 5 142 furlongs. Son of Troy (Merritt) 4.90 4.10 3.00 Wee Lad. (Trenchard) 8.30 4.90 Alit (Coffman) 5.90 ran--Disapproval, Riding High, star: Special, Gay' Bridge, Far Cry, Sit Out, Rock Iris: Easter Lad, La Marquise, longs. THIRD RACE- -Two year olds: 6. fur.

Amijo (Faust) ...16.00 10.60 6.70 Ina Dear (Decammillas). 12.60 7.40 Black Scout (Richards) 12.60 Also ran -Dixie Dora, Lollies, Scudder, Lady Carrot, Miss Jones, In Front, Glow. ing Coal. Old Ironsides, Fairio, Strophe. furlongs; FOURTH RACE--Three year a olds; 6 Dowdy Dell (Peters) 18.80 4.60 3.20 Toro Nancy (Balaski): a 2.60 2.40 Boston Brook (Winters) 2.90 ran--Legume, Marcelle: Miss.

FIFTH RACE--Three year olds and up; mile and 70 yards. Hoops (Balaski): 5.10 2.90 Sassaby (Phillips) 3.70 2.60 Behemoth (Peters) 3.90 Also ran -Oakwood Belle, Flying Dera, Kindacorn. Buntino. Braw Scot. miles.

SIXTH RACE--Three Three year olds and up; Respect (Peters) 6.20% 3.60 2.60 Merely (Winters) 7.90 4.90 Old Judge (Horn) 2.90 Also -Golden Play Post Brigade, 1: 15 House Detective: Same as WTIC 1.00 Market and Weather reports 1.15 New York Advertising Club 2.00 Nicholas Mathay's Gipsy Orchestra 2.30 Louise Mack's Moosikers 3.00 Same as Station WTIC: WW2-NEI YORK. 160 A.M. A 8.00 7.30: Pollock Lawnburst; Rime Shine Morning Devotions; Pals (sketch). 2.30 Organ; Landt Trio and 9.00 Breakfast Club: -Press- Radio Deva (..05 Cleo Brown; Same as WBZA 10 43 Herman and Banta: Same WBZA P.M. 12.01 Simpson Boy Allen and Fennelly 12.15 The Merry Mace; Words and Mule 1 .00 Happy Jack, The Kilmer Family.

1.30 The National Farm and Home How 2.30 'The Music Guild Concert Program 3.15 The Wise Man: Vaughn. De Leath 3 45. Same as Station BZA 4.30. Radio Guild; Same as WBZA -NEW YORK. 860 A.31.

7.30 Organ Reville: The Bluebirds. 8.15 Piano Recital: Consumer Guide. ..30 Salon Musicale: Same a8 WDRO 10.05 The Melody Quins: Captivatora 10.30 M'rning Moods: The Cabbage Patch 11.00: Poetic Strings; Brad and AI 11.45 Just Plain Bill (song program). P.M. 12.01 Same Station 1 12.45 Five Star Jones; Tenor; Health 1.30.

Concert Miniatures (music) 2.00 Little French Princeas: Helen Trent 2.30 Between Bookenda; Happy Hollow 3.00 The Oleanders; Waltz Time 4.00 3.30 Iowa Salvation Farmers Union -The Meeting Hawaiians Army; 4.30 Greetings from 'old Kentucky. 5.00 Howell. Wright; Same WORE WGY-SCHENECTADI. 790 A.M. 17 30 The Early Bird; Musical Clock 8.30 Sane aS Station WEAF.

9.300 Little's Orchestra: Music: program 10.00: Press: Markets; Girl Alone 11.00 Sane Station, WEAF 10.30 The Ban Banjoleerg: Morning Devotions P.M 12.01 Music Prograin; Yodeling boya 12.30 Merry Madcaps; and Baggage 1.00 Music program; The Weavers 1.30 The Farm and Garden program 2.00 Household Revue; Same as WEAR 4.30 Limey Rill: Stork Reporta, 5.00 Same as Station. WEAP A.M. 6.45 The Musical Gym Clock. 17.30 Vincent Surey and his Orchestra. 8.00 News bulletins: Silver Strains 8.30% Martha Manning: Home Town Bor 9.00 Church Hymns; Organ recital 9.30 Freudberg Orchestra; Back Stare 10.00.

Pure Food Hour: Beauty Program 11.15 Miles Minstrels Variety P.M. 12.01 Gretta Palmer: The Housewarmer 12.30 News bulletin Painted Dreams 1.00: re Studio orchestra 1.30 Melody Morn Bide Dudley 2.00. Food Program: Tue Woman's How 3.00 Ensemble: Freudberg's Orchestra 3.30. Piano: Johnny Strouse's Orchestra 4.15 Edmund Auston: Dorothea Ponce. 6.00 News bulletins; Song Weavers 5.30 Museum program: Walter Ahrone Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENTS Florists WEDDING Boquets, cut dowers and Gore designs fresh from our own WENKS.

Fiorist. 128 Hanco*ck St 2-1197 inent among the newcomers was: Ed Tikofski of Walpole, backfield member of the 1033 team, who did not return until the second semester last year. snarle the of these squad arrivals, remained however, about the the same as several candidates were absent from practice due to condition examinations, Scrimmage again formed an important part of the workout with the of the line continuing to be encourazing and the showing on offense of Les Peterson, insignia man at tackle, particularly satisfying to the mentors. Amherst AMHERST, Sept. 17-Having worked his men hard in a scrimmage yester.

day, Coach Jordan gave the Amherst squad a respite this morning when he treated them to several team relays, designed for practice in lateral passes. In the afternoon session a new formation was practised as Jordan is busily getting his men ready for the opener with Colby on Sept. 28. Snowball, Brown and Pattengill are prominent in the search for a Arst string punter. Johnny Parker, diminutive sophom*ore guard, reported to Coach Jordan today.

Parker weighs no more than pounds but promises to be fast and a hard fighter. Holy Cross (Special to The Springfield Union) WORCESTER, Sept. 17-Dr. Fdward N. Anderson today named the Holy Cross lineup which he expects to start against Rhode Island State here Saturday in the Crusaders' 1935 football inaugural.

He selected the same backfield which played the full 60. minutes in last year's 7-2 victory over Boston College, naming Tin Dougherty at left halfhack in. place of the threatening Jim Hobin. The other backs are Capt. Nick Morris might half: Rex Kidd, quarter, and Joe Tablonski, fullback.

Pete Lingua, the husky 200 pound senior front Windsor Locks, whoahns been converted from tackle guard this season, will open at righty guard, pairing with the veteran Ecio Luciano. Moncewiez and Gavin will be at the; tackles, Curley and Daukhters at the ends and Bob Mautper at center. Personals COUPLE Desire cottage or share one Fla. for winter. Have car.

Reas. Bor 613 Union office. 38 GOING TO Dr Locke's Arthritis Clinic Sept: 22 and 26th. Reserve passage now. R.

A. Prentiss, 387 Pleasant Holyoke Phone Holyoke, 4-184. LADY Wishes transportation to Holyoke tore 8 8. and back to Spfld. after p.

m. 6-0693 WANT Passengers. West Coast or en route. 157 Wilbraham Ave. Lost and Found BLUE CROSS- dog for the.

country. Pretty cats and kittens." 4-1931. BROWN Billfold lost containing money. Me cense, registration. Reward.

83 Bradford BULOVA Watch- -Lost betw. Main and Stockbridge Sat. Reward. 4-0372. CHECK Made out to Nat'l bank, Westerly, R.

lost Spild, Sept. 16th. Reward. Tel. Holyoke, 7713.

60 Gates St. Holyoke, Mass, SMALL Envelope with receipts of ments which I have made, lost. Will appreciate return and give reward for same. Tel. 4-1318.

WHITE Gold wrist watch lost Indian Ore chard. Owner, Noble St. Apt. 88. 4-0283.

AUTOMOBILES 7 Automobiles for Sale AT FINANCE CO'S OUTLET 200 CARS AND TRUCKS. Lores prices in the country. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Banks and Finance Companies demand their money at once! Don't be fooled, come and see for your self. Every car a bargain. All guare anteed.

Easy Terms. Open 8 til 9 p. m. 396 Dickinson St. Tel.

3-1731. A. J. STONINA and F. J.

TABAKA BuickReo Sedan '32, Terra. Coach '34. Exchange St. Chicopee. Tel.

AT E. ADAMS, INC '32 Ford Cpe. R.S. Victoria. '33 Ford L.

rdatr. '33 Ford DeL. Ford DeL Ch. Ford conv. coupe 48 State St.

Open Eves. Tel, Fords an Other Maker Buick Vic 1323 '34 DeL. Fordor '30. Buick Sed, 250 '30 DeL Roadster 550 '31 Olds. Cch.

'32 DeL. 295 Chev. 245 '32 Coupe 280 '33 Chev. DL Sed 440 '32 Phaeton: 250 '30 Chev Cch. 327'31 Coupe.

180 '29 Nash Sed. 100 30 Roadster Several exceptionally clean 'A" roodels. Sedans, Coaches, Coupes, etc. Flood-lighted Lot Automobile. Sales Co.

95 Liberty St. Open Eves. BUICK 1929 Light 6 Coach 8100. Fir. Co's Outiet, 397 Dickinson St.

3-1732. BUICK 1932 DeLuxe Coupe $365. Finance Outlet. Dickinson St. 3-1732.

BUICK 1931 Goa excellent condition $275. Finance Co's Outlet. w896 Dickinson St BUY SCOTT'S O.K.'D CARS We Are Never Undersold--Compare! 1933 Ford Coaches, Sedans: STERLING ORR, INC. 92 Memorial Ave. Open Eves.

w. BUY AT CASH PRICES on our. No Cash Down 20: Monthe to Pay Plan Plymouth 1932 Conv. $293 Hudson 1031 Sedan: 300 Essex 1931 Coach 195 Dodge 1930 185 Terraplane 1933 Sedan. 295 A 123 St.

-HUDSON Tel. CO. 4-6418 Liberty Buy Safely Packard Used Car Department And Save Money. Save From $50 to $150 Reconditioned All Models All Priced 1940 Buick, Pass. Sedan 1931 Buick, 5 Pass.

Sedan 1931 Pierce. 5 Club Sedan 1931 Studebaker, 5, Sedan 1938 Packard, 3 Sedan, 6 cyl. The Fackard: Motor Car Co. of 721. State St.

Dial 4-5081. CADDILLAC 1932 sedan: full deluxe. -yulpment. New white atde wall tired. Shatter proof class all around.

Geor 73 Broadway. CHEVROLET 1983 Coupe.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.