The Holdrege Progress from Holdrege, Nebraska (2024)

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The Holdrege Progressi

Holdrege, Nebraska

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i ii 1 iH ir ii I i V- 4 I 1 i f' i i 1 A i vr i i 'i1 -i f- 1 --i as- 1 -yw i 5 i I I I't it i i IDE HOLDREGE 1 ii' ii 1 i I HOLDREGE NEBRASKA TnrBJmAT DEC 6th' 192t -VAs PAGE SIX FUNK ROUTE 1 Mr and Mrs Adolph Olson HOLDREGE BASKET BALL TEAM ARRANGED SEASON SCHEDULE SWEDISH METHODIST i CHURCH Services next Sunday will be: Sunday School at 10 A spent in organ! dng the work of the various committees The executive committee will meet the first Monday bf each month to check up oi? the work the committees -Are doing A spirit their return trip was quite difficult Program Tuesday December 18 at 8 o'clock at Upland school Ladles bring baskets or plcfc Dorcas Drake teacher 46-47- Swedish Sermon by the Pastor el and in the veenlng XI a Thirty-Five Candidates Out Tor Four Lettermen On Squad at' at: 7:30 o'clock On Wednesday December 12 the LadleA Aid will hold their meeting at which time the hostesses will be Mrs Cederberg and of enthusiasm' most marked in this young orga: ilzation Evening song and sermon at 7:30 Th service is not scheduled mere: ito occupy another hour of me Sabbath but spent Thursday at Albert Trimbles r'r Mr and MrS Hansen and I took minner at OrtKS1111' braska ta spend Thanksgiving wl1 with Mr and-Mr a A Erick- MoseMarshan uT betes 1 day at Pete Olsons son and other relatives at Mr and Mrs Elmer Gustafson MU Jeanette Laraon jhol were entertained to Sanday din- teaches school at North Platte weones- ner at a A Gustafsons Nebraska spent Thanksgiving 7f 1ecemper otn- -Mr and Mra John Schneider with her parents Mr and family Mr and Mrs Emory Snd Mrs Larsen j- KEYSTONE Silver and Helen and Mr and I Mr and Mrs Roy Dyer jnd Robt-iWIoenflenh assU- sons Henry Enerson and Evelyn Mezvln itwi i with Thanksgiving day at Patsy Ry- Mr and Mrs Jenlngs and I a7ounlarvs the -j daughters? Myand Evahe 55ddle Qf Lmt ad Mrs! S2S1iSU Sutherland and Paige Undgren Ufto Han who Is attending JffitJE225dY: eventag at were entertained to Sunday dn'ltvu naiuM vaGust Petersons 1 ner at the Chas'Left home! Doane College arrived' home i (Wednesday evening of lastfweek V' Mrs Caroline Peterson gyen Thursday oyening at 8 the regular player meeting will to all attendingL You can re-be held rf- ceive the ielp ahd inspiration of cerviAS through Absent it Is purposed be of real help any 'service absent The Gillette Company dont expect it rs-'v -V treatment so here I Social Circle noon Devotioi Titus Host Ekberg Mrs Stewart church invited nIccmb iFree' Church if The special 'meetings which are now being conducted by Rev Ai cHalleen at the Holcomb church have been well' attended and ar fine' spirit has been prevalent at all of these services ATLANTA Mr and Mrs John Valene gave a birthday party for their daughter Lucille on Sunday afternoon in honor of her twelfth birthday Twelve girls had been invited but on account of condition of roads not all were present The Vera Huff family and Barbara Rans attended from Atlanta The color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the room decorations and refreshments A large pink and white cake with twelve pink and white candles and pink and white streamers made very pretty table decorations Angel food cake add ice cream were served Mr and Mrs A Barnes and famll were Sunday dinner guests in the A Westfall home Mr and Mrs Elnsphar and Mr and Mrs Mathers and two children all of Hastings spent Wednesday night in the A Barnes home west of Atlanta The ladles were class mates of Mrs Barnes while In nurse training at Hastings They were enroute to Wauneta where they spent the Thanksgiving vacation -Mr and Mrs Melvin Lof qulst and children drove over to Minden Saturday where they spent until Sunday afternoon in the home of her grandparents Mr and Mrs York On account of drifting snow Sunday evening nrsday afterleader Mrs jsses Mrs Harry Vestal Mra ladies of the Mrs Victor Anderson Clarence Engstrom and spent Tuesday afteriioon Mrs Oscar Carlson Basket ball at Holdrege High started off with a bang during the past week There were thirty-five men out for practice and the squads will include five letter men hang-overs frofei last year The schedule arranged is an excellent one and Is as follows: December Stamford here December 17 Elmcreek here December 21 Oxford there January 10 Bertrand here January 11 Orleans there January Elwood here January 19 Havelock here January 25 Curtis there January 26 McCook there January Lexington here February Cambridge here February Kearney there February Minden here February 15 North Platte or Hastings here February 22 Gothenburg there Your Grocers i j-VaTL Hr with Horace shriwie of Bertrand Sunday dirmer and spent' the remainder of the I John Bcrgman of Hol- WJAudrev CoSiranr in I The following! helped' Mrs SndRoy Larjonl home WeSSSvenlngf rom enjoyed a visit with their Partsl Uncoln after a visit with Mr and Mrs Larson ofvlher sister Mrs Jack Ford and famllv I land Mrs Ernest Sjogren Mr Keystone school enjoyed a two nTr" day vacation last week including lne and Howard Mr Mr and Mrs A Saridstxjom Ths1 PetersJff AduUam vi Evangelistic every evening Saturday1 at 7: language service is held this week except 30 the English Bible lectures are being given every afternoon at 2:15 on the Book of Revolution except Saturday These lectures are held in the Swedlsh language Sunday December the 0th the closing day in this series we have three large services at hours as follows: 11 a and 2:30 and 7:30 The morn Make This Store Your Store and family had the followUxg cjnUy visited at the Ell Peterson 0180" MaaAaSa Mb a aImham nMnMVawitrinv I I asi onn Mr and Mrs Amos Nelson and guests at dinner I home the first of last week Mr and Mrs Frank Seth! Simon Sunblade and family I Pent Monday veenlng at i and Mra Oscar High n1dMrs Bales and Mr and Mrs! Obituary Douglas Redfm was bora at Greenville 111 April 14 1861 He passed away November 28 1928 at Kingsburg- California He had reached th age of 67 years 7 months and days He came to I as tings Nebraska in 1888 Hi lived in Hastings a year an 1 then came to Holdrege Qctobi 1889 Mr Rcdfefn was united in marriage with Sarah Pierce March 8 1893 They made their home on a fa southeast of Holdrege where they lived until they moved- California 1811 His wife preceded him in death January I 1927 There are let to motim his death one daughter and two VBh In' Phone 354 Mrs A Sandstrom and faml-l mnk sunblade were entertain- sy ly i all I ed Thanksgiving Day at tne Mr and Mrs Alfred Larson Jui- Hart homej night at Sylvia ing worship will be In Swedish ernoo: while the afternoon and evening services Win be In the English language Mr Arley Brjtgg is In charge of al lthe singing at these services Former Holdrege Man Dies at Norfolk Nebr Word was received in Holdrege this week telling of the death of George LeRay at Norfolk Nebr Mr-LeRay was the caretaker at the Prairie Home cemetery until about ten years ago when they moved to Norfolk and we know jtou enjoy the good achf music at of these services i Bring your fields and neighbors with -you! to these services It Is an unusual privilege for Ira oWesV of Sonora to have RevJ Halleen In 0ur Mrs-jBernice Pearson 5jBem 6tf Mark every grave the and Paul both of Kingsburg California one sister and ione brother Miss Mary Redfera and Mr I Redfefr both of Hal- tMae fell drege besides large host of And Eloise Gustafson Saturday andj Saturday Robert Ericksons nounce the birth of an eleven! sizne Blodmqulst of Loomis I Mr- Mrs Frank Almqulst pound baby boy Monday pe- spent last week with Mrs: Ellen and Pla" and Members -1 Nvlander I nold Nelson and Phyllis spent the marriage of Miss Ann fMr 'and to Joe Hatting of Moaday enlngiat Edolf Carl- IIigh-and Mr Arthur CunimlngsJ Lexington spient last week end too place last week at Almar-Ne-1 adth' their daughter Mrs! Bob Mr and Mrs Carl -Hendricks braska 1 Mr Cummings has exu- Pinkerton and family: lnd family spent Sunday at ployment at SL Louis The four lnch snow" which feU JLn HeildFicks- -Martin Rlnstrom who l3at-hatt Thursday made Thankseiv-1 Mr and Mrs- Elmer Gustafson ending school at Wahoo spent Day seem an ideal day 2111(1 Harold 40015 suPPer with the last week end with his parents veln Maim and her friend lclaus Abrahamson family Mon-Ernbst Sehroeder and family I Mona Humphrey of Nor- dAyevenlng yppy11 spent Thanksgiving folk who Had spent Thanks- ldLafld at the Schrceder home Svine vacation with the for- left Wednesday for Weston Neb Mr and Mrs Robert Peterson I mers home folks here returned where thejr visited until Satur-entertained the foUowlng at din to Norfolk Sunday via Hastings day their dau8hter- Mrs Day: A party was given in their honor Tumwall and Mr Tum- Ivlrs Phillip Swanson Mr arn Friday evening by Misses HaiTl- wa: Mrs WardJbben and Mr-M Non Sd Eva KUeit of Loomis Mlss Vesta Ncrman spent sev- Mi Carl Peterson Mr and Mrs Roy Nylanderl ral dyM last week at John Mr and Mrs Thojnas Ratiirrisv th i nha Schneiders Mrs Peterson Lawrence Ruby Floret" I Fetenon visited Saturday a(ter- Sunday aftern00n grens Bonnie Morrison who Is a sen-1 and cnry lor at the State University visi-1 Maurlne Ladcmna and Howard ted home folks during Thanks- giving vacation qulst Clifford Everett and Mir a Clifford Morrison andffamllyl8111 Tuesday evening at McKee 1 0f Paxton Nebraska' arrived I irii AKAA Be xyqjf Av H- c- visited Saturday at the Chas were Sunday dinner guests at the sunblade home at Holdrege Abrahimson hoine at Loo-1 Wllhv winrpn we inis I Mrs Everett Bonser has been noon with Mra Ellen Nylander caring for her- mother Mra1 Washburn and sister Myrtle Who are 111 with grippe Mr and Mrs George R' Johnson entertained the following guests Sunday: of Christmas midst and we hope everyone will take an advantage of this opportunity and come to these meetings- We hope that the friends from our neighboring churches will make a special effort to attend in large numbers our meeting on Sunday afternoon December 9 drege Sunday morning from I California The funeral ser- vice was held at the Funeral Home at 2: 30 in! charge of Rev Roy Larson The Funeral Home was filled with friends who had come to sympathize and pay their respects The music was furnished by Miss Belle Manley Mrs Swanson and Mrs Randall pianist Interment was made in the Prairie Home cemetery all the sbyteria pray hbol at irian First Pres! Vard Church Sch Mitchell cent of the Church pastor 10 a Ninety per es In America thrill of according to statistics are committed by youiig peoplq from sixteen to twenty-four and nearly all of them' Scholo' goers Tour Christmas Gifts- Cox and family Roger Thanksglvtag Day- via Overton and T- A- Giwtafcon Yea relatives and friends Mr Redfern was much devoted to his family It is said that he anticipated the wishes of his wife before the could express them and provided for her comfort He loved 'his children and had a deep and tender interest in their welfare They looked to him as a kind! and considerate father as one who wisely exer cised his authority He was a man who was looked up to In the community A man of upright character man of integrity holding tlie confidence of all who knew him As a Christian his heart' was in the work of Christ's' Kingdom His conversion back to the Evangelistic meetings in 1908 when he was alsobap tizedand together with his wife and 'two children' united with th? First Baptist Church As member he Was ever1 loyal and faithful He went' through the building campaign bf the church as a trustee and member of the building committee and helped to bear the brunt of the finances putting up his property as security He united with the First Baptist church bf Kingsburg i California when the family moved to that state Here he held his are non-Sunday More than ninety per cent' of the ministers missionaries and other full time Christian workers made their decision in the same range of years under the influence of -the 'Sunday SchoOL Is you? bdy or gfrl being deprived of this training which makes such a vi-UI-Tdlfferencie in? "their lives? There -is -no requirement other than1 -the presence of ypur child at: the Sunday school hour (10 family all of Ragan Everett Me-1 and yidted unUl Sunday with Helen and Vivian were Hastings Kee and family Miss Betji Me-1 Darents Mr and shoppers Saturday- I Chas Graham of Dresden Kan- relatives including his sister nore vislted at Gust Petersons sas i '-v Mrs Ji'D Tuesday afternoon' Mr and Mrs Wilbur yojing- -Maurice Nelson returned to Nelson returned home qulst spent Tuesday evening In Kearney Monday drier pending Tolk county Friday where Holdrege Mrs Young caUed on rhanksglving 1 vdcalloh 1 hM nidcimr com home I Dave 'Nelson delivered to Overton last Friday Mr' Hay worth of Lexington having previously made the purchase Mr and Mrs'E en ttrtained 1 the following Thanks-! Mr ahd Dave- Nelson and daughter! nCR 1X311 kelson Mr and Mrs cation with the Cowdrey sisters Rby Nelson and son I Bobby 1 a4 10 AJW A goodly number attended the I pahk Nblaon and family and! Competent i and Chpatlan program and box social tay Norbert MLw Pool and pupils at the! Tt- Mr axid Mrs Emil Llndgren Miss Pool and pupils at seno stents teachers Classes for: li 'ages ntversary o'clock) faithfully every Sunday When in search of your Christ-1 mas gifts buy some Speedo Can Oneners and Knife Sharpeners ts which will give Joy for rears to come Just think' a' Can Opener which flips out the lid holds the can itself ends all fuss and muss and does it while you are start- Ing the pld fashioned stab chop and twist method A Sharpener which puts a keen edge on your knives or scissors in a few sec- I onds i These items are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction for five years Ask your neighbor she has one Ask for demonstration free A ROBINSON Authorized Agent Phone 728F14 Holdrege Is it worth while? Morning worship at 11 a The' pastor jwill speak Jesus recognized the necessity for organized efforp 'You cannot-sing an! oratorio by yourself ho ter hbw splendid jrour voice may With £atcrpiclBodii by Ilshat you must merge voice xus In the choruA 'You cannot membership called for It until his Master He could' say with Paul have fought the good fight I have finished the course fight The Holdrege Buick Co HOLDREGE NEBRASKA' I pave kept the 4 The remains arrived in Hol- render the by fdurself ho matter how-well you someinstaTimeht--ybu must "ut ei forts with those of Or diestra Manufac-Onpneree Is only pos-heeause mra learned to teJtfUw foRMnd to act to it! is inth God's work We can' raiy accomplish things when we home together and act Buick WUI Build When Better- Automobiles Are Built practice -thd pthgfam at 2 Let us all please 1 The postponed Next weekFrida evening! December 14th Will bft the Tabl- church basem*nt lailti Wedne day evening i About a foot of snow fell hers: Thanksgiving da? Therel wai no wlhd and the thick calat of snow make a fine lot of moisture i Mr and Roy Miller were dinner guests at Glenn Ander-Bons Thanksgiving day Mr Chas Bowie and daughter Irene spent the week rad at the Kenneth Shaw home --i Mr and Mrs DjM Shaw have "been on the sick list wlth tlu it fs "ilMr and Mrs HardiznlArm annual business Meeting-at dxucracetkizvzome organlza ion A 3 All interested In this activities are requested to partake Hostesses Mrs Victor Harris and Mrs Victor Mattson That Is whyTyOB-ahould bb in chur and attend and support it to he limit -The subjec is "Control Yourself" 1 Cor 1:25 25 The Juniors held their first executive Miller knows rubber 23 tf Sunday Morning Worship at 10:45 a Senate at Ragan at 2:30 EvetiiftgWbrship at 7: 3 pO TuesdayrDecember llth' The-BethphkgftJ50e3ety the church at Wednesday December 13th Prayer service and Bible Study at 7:30 Choir rehearsal at 8:30 'a Thursday December The Missionary Society meets at Mra Waller Mrs: Minnie Kappelin-Mrs Chas- Burgeson and Mra Lindstrom 'serve Friday December 14th The Sunday School training class meets at 7:30 Fridayi December The Church Board deacons and trustees meet at the church at 7:30 Saturday December The Confirmation Class meets at 2 mji CMFWYPSHT Great Opportunity! To Boy A Brand New Dodge Standard or Victory Six At Greatly Reduced Prices meeting this week -at the home! and the hour! was 6tf Mark every grave Urgnhn Mbfbkr flMIeefMM Sumptnandmbvmhml Sun Theatre Wed Dec 12 ONE NIGHT ONLY Holdrege Nebraska We must move at once our entire stock of Dodge Brothers Standard and Victory Six Passenger Cars One Car With Stifle thafs Keally (New positively Farewell Tour your last chance to see it Here is your opportunity to own a fast new smart dependable Dodge Brothers car at a price never before offered Every one of these cars comes in attractive colors luxuriously appointed throughout end beautifully The Play That Broke the Worltrs Record i i Progress Want-Ads bring ti best results Anne Nichols Comedy That Has Made Millions Happy strong and children jspeni Thursday at the Marshall home 'Jack Groves spent Sunday yAttk Vernon and Vlnston sen Martha Kedey and Faye iehall spent Saturday afternoon -with Eleanor Marshall The 'Charlie Waleen spent Sunday afternooi' with Mrs Anna Johnson and-family Roy Nelson who teaches at Riverton 'spent Thanksgiving vacation with home folks here and Mrs Walter Nelson ol -Overton spent Tuesday iafter-jioon at the Carl Olson home I Mrs: Robert Lindstrom and son Elmer were Holdregefshop-j 'pers Monday --Mr and Mrs Alex Kedey were Kearney visitors Tuesday Ci Art Swfmson of Holdrege was driving around our street Tues-'day i iMr and Mrs James Crawford and Evelyn were Holdregi Monday Misses Elsie and Orphan John- son drove out to Holdrege Mon- i The Johnson young are attending school View and Shelton all to spend their vaca jbeir mother' tMfas Mary Marahan cgme vp from Kearney' and spent the rV Thanksgiving with her: brother Marshal and family Ms and Mra Walter Anderson No duplicate of this car or that one the New All-American Six But a smartly original creation with specially designed bodies by Fisher with style strictly its own A car that you recognize instantly one that stands out in any crowd Becauseit has that air of being different that air which distinguishes a leader from the zest of the field Jj Just what every American wants in an automobile Pulse-s fining performance comfort luxury ''distinctive style And America Is giving it a marvelous reception a motor-wise welcome to a new arid triumphantly different car At their former prices these cars were extraordinary bargains at the NEW prices there is nothing to compare with them for dollar-for-doUar value STANDARD SIX Saving New Price fob Detroit That Is Sure ToWhip Sedan Grape $765 725 VICTORY SIX without fail ThisAteaip is from Mr Sanitary Country Dairy 1 IT TICKLES 5TMNGS Saving New Price -Lob Detroit X' LINDER 425 Fourth! Avenue Distributors Holdrege Nebraska FOR SALE BY Four-Passenger Coupe $945 Sport Sedan 1045 Deluxe Sedan 945 Sedan 895 The White -I i- Same Compiny That Flayed' Denver --U But an original and gebulne New York road show and scenic production Note the sensible price positively no higher' No I and L50 NOTrA MOTION PICTURE Convenlent terms even at these' low prices! A Jaoobsoif s-: TheHrvu3f Good Eats Kingsbury-Kiplinger Motor Co Ind Holdrege NebraskaV General Farm Szie bct Phone Loomis 7F83 vr v- Now On iil j' at: Btore i -t-1 -f-v FREE DEU VERY I' 1 tea.

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The Holdrege Progress from Holdrege, Nebraska (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6499

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.