What does dot dot mean in texting? (2024)

What does dot dot mean in texting?

The ellipsis ... (/əˈlɪpsɪs/; also known informally as dot dot dot) is a series of dots that indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.

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What does the 3 dots mean when texting?

The three dots, also known as an ellipsis, are used to indicate a pause or a break in the conversation. It's a way of signaling to the other person that you are thinking carefully about your words, or that you may have something more to say.

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(The English Nut)
What does it mean when someone uses a period in a text?

In the context of texting, other linguistic researchers have suggested that the period reads as final—as shutting down a conversation—and that it is more commonly used at the end of a sentence that is meant to convey unhappiness, anger, or frustration.

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What does dot text symbol mean?

In typography, a bullet or bullet point, • , is a typographical symbol or glyph used to introduce items in a list.

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What does dot dot dot mean from a girl?

An ellipsis might mean, “Well this is awkward.” Those 3 dots are often used by people to express that something is awkward or uncomfortable, without actually saying so. It indicates that they think the conversation has veered into uneasy territory, and they might not feel confident enough to address it explicitly.

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What does 3 dots mean in texting from a guy?

1. He's flirting. Ellipses are an effective way to let the person you're speaking with fill in the blank. If a guy who's chatting you up follows a text like “I've been thinking about you…” with those 3 tiny dots, he's inviting you to use your imagination to figure out what exactly he's thinking about you.

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What is the 3 dot icon called?

The kebab menu, also known as the three-dot menu and the vertical three-dot menu, is an icon used to open a menu with additional options. The icon is usually located at the top right or top of a screen or window.

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What does 3 periods mean in texting from a girl?

Ellipsis points are periods in groups of usually three, or sometimes four. They signal either that something has been omitted from quoted text, or that a speaker or writer has paused or trailed off in speech or thought. That's the basics.

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What does two dot mean in texting?

Two dots (..) are used to indicate the omission of a word, words, or a phrase from a sentence, or to create a pause in speech or text. Three dots (...) are also used to indicate the omission of words from a direct quotation or to show a pause in speech or text.

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When someone puts dots after a text?

What is an ellipsis? An ellipsis is a punctuation mark of three dots (. . .) that shows an omission of words, represents a pause, or suggests there's something left unsaid.

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How do guys text when they like you?

If a guy secretly likes you, he may text you first and respond quickly, even during odd hours. He may also engage in lengthy conversations, ask personal questions, and remember small details from previous conversations. Look for a consistent pattern of positive communication with a hint of shyness.

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(Trevor Nace)
What are the symbols used in text messages?

Common Text Message Emoticon Symbols
41 more rows
Jan 3, 2024

What does dot dot mean in texting? (2024)
Where is the three dot icon on my phone?

The three dots at the top right of the screen shown when you have an app open on older Android phones is the menu button.

What do 3 dots in the top of Iphone mean?

It will appear if an app is trying to access your location. The orange 'dot,' which can also appear yellow, means that your device's microphone is currently in use. A green dot, the same size and shape as the orange one, means your camera is currently in use by an app.

Why is therefore 3 dots?

∴ (three dots) means “therefore” and first appeared in print in the 1659 book Teusche Algebra (“Teach Yourself Algebra”) by Johann Rahn (1622-1676). (the such that sign) means “under the condition that”. However, it is much more common (and less ambiguous) to just abbreviate “such that” as “s.t.”.

Does 3 mean flirting?

These could be signs she's flirting. A <3. means she loves you. For many girls, sending a <3 is a way of saying, “I like you as more than a friend.” Maybe she's crushing on you and finally has the courage to say how she feels, or she's your girlfriend sending a quick “I love you” text.

Are ellipses flirty?

The ellipsis, a row of three dots, stands for an omitted section of text. But much can be conveyed by omission. It asks the receiver of the message to fill in the text, and in that way is very coy and potentially flirty.

What does HM mean from a girl?

In general, "Hm" is often used as a non-committal response or to indicate that the person is thinking or considering something. For example, if someone sends a message asking a question, the response "Hm" could mean that the person is considering their answer or trying to figure out what to say.

What does a dotted message bubble mean?

A blue dot next to a contact profile icon on an Android phone means that the user can use the chat messaging feature with that particular contact to send or receive messages over the internet.

Are ellipsis flirting?

"..." can be flirty and suggestive.

But make sure the context of the convo is 100% clear so that nobody gets confused about the other's intentions. In this case, the ellipsis could insinuate that the person may have other intentions.

What does the bubble with 3 dots mean?

This is called a "typing indicator." When someone is typing a message in a conversation, the three dots will appear in the conversation thread to let you know that the person is in the process of composing a message. Once the person sends the message, the three dots will disappear.

How do I get rid of the three dots when texting?

However, If you don't want to send a typing indicator, there is a workaround. Since it requires an internet connection, you can simply put your iPhone into airplane mode before typing. Once you do that, it won't send a typing indicator.

What do the symbols next to text messages mean Android?

A single check mark means the message has been sent to the recipient. Two check marks, on the other hand, means the message has been delivered. Read messages also display two check marks, but unlike the check marks for delivered messages that are housed in white or empty circles, these are housed in colored circles.

What is the dotted text bubble on my iPhone?

If the bubble looks like this, it's because you received a message sent with "invisible ink".

What are bubbles in Android text messages?

A chat bubble. Bubbles are built into the notification system. They float on top of other app content and follow the user wherever they go. Users can expand bubbles to reveal app functionality and information, and they can collapse them when they're not using them.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

Last Updated: 18/05/2024

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.