Prague is the most beautiful city in the world! - Study in the Czech Republic (2024)

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Prague is the most beautiful city in the world! - Study in the Czech Republic (1)

It’s not surprising at all! Prague has been officially named the most beautiful city in the world by the international magazine Time out. Twenty-seven thousand people took part in compiling the ranking, and the respondents couldn’t help but appreciate Prague’s incredible architecture and the picturesque view of historic alleyways where Renaissance, Baroque and Art Nouveau meet.

“Whether you’re walking across Charles Bridge or gazing at the astronomical clock in Old Town, a day in Prague is always associated with breathtaking architecture,” writes the editor of Time Out.

“But it’s not just the buildings: the incredible views of the Letná Gardens or the tranquil beauty of the Vltava embankment make your heart beat faster every time,” says the article.

Prague also came second in the list of cities with the most relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. The Czech capital is the ideal place for carefree strolls through parks and alleys, drinking coffee in local coffee houses and enjoying a peaceful life. Students who come to Prague from big cities are at first surprised by the leisurely pace, but then they get sucked in and don’t want to go back to the unnecessary running around. And another advantage of Prague is that along with a measured rhythm of life and lack of fuss, everyone will feel comfortable here, because even for fans of active life there is also a lot to do!

Earlier we wrote a blog about Prague taking 7th place in the list of the best cities to live in, surpassing such famous cities as London, Los Angeles and Barcelona!

Prague is the most beautiful city in the world! - Study in the Czech Republic (2024)


Prague is the most beautiful city in the world! - Study in the Czech Republic? ›

Time Out, the media brand that focuses on bringing up-to-date information on hospitality business, has recently announced that Prague has been voted the most beautiful city in the world. 27 000 respondents participated in the survey so the result is no mere coincidence.

Is Prague the most beautiful city in the world? ›

It's not surprising at all! Prague has been officially named the most beautiful city in the world by the international magazine Time out.

Why is Prague so beautiful? ›

Romanesque chapels and cellars, Gothic cathedrals, Baroque palaces and gardens, worldly Art Nouveau buildings, and unique Cubist architecture make it a place with no parallel in the world. You don't have to be an expert on individual artistic styles in order to appreciate the diversity of the city's architecture.

What is so famous about Prague? ›

Prague is famous for its cultural life. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived there, and his Prague Symphony and Don Giovanni were first performed in the city. In addition, the lyric music of the great Czech composers Bedřich Smetana, Antonín Dvořák, and Leoš Janáček is commemorated each year in a spring music festival.

Is Prague or Paris more beautiful? ›

Both the places have great things to offer and both of them are equally beautiful in there own ways. You have Paris which is quite modern with great museums and architectural landmarks. On the other Prague has these unique medieval architecture which is charming in its own way.

What is Prague special for? ›

Prague is a political, cultural, and economic hub of Central Europe, with a rich history and Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architectures. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia and residence of several Holy Roman Emperors, most notably Charles IV (r. 1346–1378) and Rudolf II (r. 1575–1611).

Why do people love Prague so much? ›

Asian tourists go to Prague mainly for famous sights that they recognise from photographs, while European tourists are interested in gastronomy and entertainment as well as cultural heritage.

What are 5 facts about Prague? ›

Cool facts about Prague
  • You can visit a beer spa.
  • Karlovy Lázně is the home of central europe's largest club.]
  • Prague castle is the globe's largest castle.
  • The best views of the city are at the petrin tower.
  • Prague residents drink the most beer per capita in the world.

Do they speak English in Prague? ›

Most often, Czechs have a good command of English, with the second most “popular” foreign language being German and the third one Russian. French, Italian, and Spanish are not widely spoken by the locals.

Who visits Prague the most? ›

The leading source market for tourism in Czechia's capital city of Prague in 2023 was Germany. The number of German guests in accommodation facilities that year amounted to over 1.03 million.

Are there a lot of Americans in Prague? ›

3,719 of them live in Prague. The total number of residents has increased from 4,411 since 2006, when the Czech Republic entered the Schengen Zone. In addition, there are 1,278 Americans in the capital with long-term visas. In Prague, just over a third of the American residents (1,375) live in Prague 1, 2 and 3.

What is the one most beautiful city in the world? ›

Cape Town, South Africa

Dominated by the majestic Table Mountain, an iconic peak with a flat top offering spectacular panoramic views of the city and the ocean, Cape Town has all the makings of the most beautiful city in the world.

Is Prague prettier than Vienna? ›

The palaces, museums, and broad boulevards of Vienna are truly grandiose with their royal splendor. Prague, on the other hand, has an atmosphere that feels more like a fairy tale. In comparison to formal and refined Vienna, Prague could be seen as more eclectic and exciting.

Is Prague or Budapest more beautiful? ›

Thanks to the many medieval buildings that are still standing today Prague is generally considered more picturesque than Budapest. The area around the historic city center surrounding the Old Town Square is particularly stunning.

What is the most beautiful capital in Europe? ›

Paris tops many lists of the most beautiful cities in Europe and for very good reason; the iconic French capital is aptly nicknamed the 'City of Love' and sometimes the 'City of Light', thanks to its romantic tree-lined boulevards and luminescent landmarks.

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.