How To Get All Ribbons in BitLife: Complete Bitlife Ribbons List (2024)

BitLife features all sorts of activities, challenges, achievements and walks of life you can pursue. No Bitizen lives forever though, and when your character inevitably dies, they’ll be judged. Not in a deific manner, but a tombstone marked with a special ribbon. You’ll collect quite a few the more you play, like trading cards. If you’re a completionist, then take this guide on how to get all Ribbons in BitLife and capture them all!

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How to Get All Ribbons in BitLife

Academic Ribbon

If you’re hoping to get the Academic Ribbon, you need to be the biggest nerd in school and beyond. Focus all your time on increasing your brain power.

  • Be born with an intelligent character (not required, but it helps)
  • Spend every year studying as much as possible and visit the library
  • Graduate high school, college, and attend graduate school

To ensure you get the Academic Ribbon at the end of your life, pursue a career in education. It isn’t required, but it does increase the likelihood of earning the ribbon.

Addict Ribbon

Earning the Addict Ribbon is one of the easiest tasks to complete in BitLife, and likely to end in a quick death, too. Your sole goal in life is to get addicted to everything you can, such as drugs, gambling, and alcohol. Essentially, roleplay as an addict.

It’s pretty straightforward: Simply visit the casino and go clubbing, as much as humanly possible. Both are found in the Activities tab under Casino and Nightlife. It’s important to also note that you should intentionally lose when you’re gambling. For example, if you’re playing Blackjack and you get close to 21, have the dealer give you another card so you go over.

Bandit Ribbon

In order to obtain the Bandit Ribbon, all you have to do is rob a train, which is easier said than done. Doing it is the easy part, but waiting for the train is tedious. Long story short, you have to rob a train at the same time as the times listed in BitLife. For example, one of the options is 4:20pm, but to be successful, it has to be 4:20pm your time, too.

Barbie Girl Ribbon

Another easy one is the Barbie Girl Ribbon, which is all about plastic surgery. It boils down to the following requirements:

  • Be a woman
  • Get plastic surgery (except Gender Reassignment)

Of course, plastic surgery isn’t cheap, so you should have a job that pays enough to cover the costs. You can get the work done by choosing Plastic Surgery under the Activities tab.

Big Boss Ribbon

The Big Boss Ribbon is all about being the CEO of a company and dying in BitLife with a net worth of $20 million. That last bit comes with the territory and won’t be hard to obtain. To become a CEO:

  • Graduate high school and attend a university
  • Major in something business related (like Finance or Information Systems)
  • Attend business school
  • Work your way up the corporate ladder to become CEO

When you’re the big dog in business, make sure your business does well so you die with a high enough net worth.

Cat Lady Ribbon

To earn the Cat Lady Ribbon, you should be a woman and do nothing else but spend time with your cats. Take care of them, spend your money on them, even invest in a bigger home to adopt more cats. If you manage to own at least 30 cats in your lifetime, you’ll die happy as a cat lady.

Cunning Ribbon

The Cunning Ribbon isn’t exactly hard, but might take a few attempts to get right. To earn this ribbon:

  • Earn enough money for gender reassignment surgery (more on that later)
  • Commit a crime, get sent to prison, then break out of prison
  • Now go for gender reassignment surgery and emigrate to a new country

The goal here is to commit a crime, escape, and be in hiding for the rest of your life. By emigrating to another country, you’ll drastically reduce the odds of being caught. Don’t sweat it if you’re caught before you die. You can simply escape and emigrate to another country again.

Deadly Ribbon

In order to earn the Deadly Ribbon in BitLife, you need to murder a lot of people. At least five unfortunate souls need to be murdered by your hands to get the ribbon. It’s a lot harder than it sounds considering a single murder can and will get you sent straight to a maximum security prison. Try doing a drive-by to reduce the odds of getting caught.

Family Guy Ribbon

Despite the name, you need to be the exact opposite of Peter Griffin to earn the Family Guy Ribbon. Where he’s a terrible drunk, you need to be a good, honest father towards your children.

  • Have at least three kids
  • Maintain their happiness as high as possible
  • Maintain a middle-class income

Keep in mind that if you have more than three kids, you may end up with the Fertile Ribbon. Maintain two or three and keep them happy!

Famous Ribbon

The Famous Ribbon is yet another ribbon with easy requirements. All you have to do is become famous in BitLife. The following careers come with fame:

  • Being royalty (married or born into it)
  • Actor
  • Writer (as an author or reporter)
  • Athlete
  • YouTuber
  • Social Media Star
  • Musician

Becoming a famous writer is quite easy as it doesn’t require a college degree or any other secondary school. However, marrying into royalty is a load of fun, too.

Fertile Ribbon

If you want to die with the Fertile Ribbon as your greatest accomplishment, just have a lot of kids and take good care of them. You need to have at least four children to gain the ribbon, but you should certainly go for more to counteract other ribbons.

Generous Ribbon

As this ribbon would suggest, you need to be a generous person throughout life. This means gifting your loved ones with small and larger gifts, from flowers to houses. You need to start early, so having a part-time job is always helpful. When you’re an adult, it’d be wise to have a high-paying salary as well in order to buy homes and cars as gifts, too.

Geriatric Ribbon

The Geriatric Ribbon is awarded to Bitizens that live beyond 100 years old. To make that happen, you need to take care of yourself, both in health and happiness. Try these activities::

  • Visit the doctor when you’re ill
  • Exercise, meditate, and maintain a healthy diet
  • Go on vacations
  • Spend time with your family, friends, and pets
  • Maintain a garden

Stay away from drinking, drugs, and avoid sleeping around without protection.

Globetrotter Ribbon

If you want to add the Globetrotter Ribbon to your belt, you need to travel a lot, at least 20 countries. Your life should be all about working and traveling every single year, in addition to emigrating to other countries, too. Stick to a middle-class salary in order to have the income to go on vacation every year, but too much that you end up with something like the Rich Ribbon.

Gold Digger Ribbon

To earn the Gold Digger Ribbon in BitLife, your life should only be about marrying sugar moms and sugar dads. To be specific:

  • Don’t have a job, but freelancing and stealing is okay
  • Keep your Looks stat as high as possible
  • Use the dating app to look for rich folks over 80 (so they die sooner)

The goal here is to inherit your lover’s money, so maintain a good relationship with them, marry, and do not sign a prenup. Once you’ve made $1.5 million from doing this, you’ll earn the Gold Digger Ribbon when you die.

Hero Ribbon

The Hero Ribbon is another easy ribbon to earn. You’ll want to be a generally good person, maintain a career as a doctor, nurse, or be in the military, and risk your life for others. Being a doctor is an easy way of saving lives, as is being in the military. If you join the military, dying to save others can fasttrack you to earning the Hero Ribbon.

Highroller Ribbon

Your goal for getting the Highroller Ribbon is to do nothing but gamble and win big. Blackjack is one of the better ways of earning a lot of money as opposed to the racetracks. You have to get at or close to 21 to win at Blackjack. As long as you earn over a million in earnings but less than five million, you’ll get the Highroller Ribbon.

Houdini Ribbon

You need to make Houdini blush with the number of times you’ve escaped prison. To earn the Houdini Ribbon, successfully escape prison at least 10 times. Do be mindful of how much time you spend there or dying in prison as this could award you with the Jailbird Ribbon instead.

Influencer Ribbon

For the Influencer Ribbon, join as many social media platforms as possible and spend your days making viral posts. When you have enough followers, don’t forget to get verified, too. Also, sponsorships are free game, but do take care not to buy followers. It’s a risky move that can get you kicked off social media and lose out on the Influencer Ribbon.

Jailbird Ribbon

Similar to the Houdini Ribbon, spend your life in prison, escaping, and ultimately dying there for the Jailbird Ribbon. Don’t escape prison more than three or four times, then age up in prison until you’re dead. A good way to ensure you spend the rest of your days locked up is murdering a few people.

Lazy Ribbon

To earn the Lazy Ribbon, you need to be a complete waste of space. Don’t do anything in life except age and breathe in precious air. On a side note, make sure your character’s intelligence is above room temperature or else you risk earning the Stupid Ribbon. To maximize your laziness, the easiest route is to be born with a decent Smarts stat so you don’t have to waste time improving it.

Loaded Ribbon

The Loaded Ribbon requires that you die with $20 million dollars in your name. Naturally, you’ll want to gravitate towards careers and activities that earn you the big bucks, like playing the lottery or being famous. Try out a career as a doctor, writer, or actor and you can easily make that kind of money in no time.

Lustful Ribbon

To get the Lustful Ribbon in BitLife, you need to rack up as many lovers as possible—over 20 partners, to be specific. The nightclub is a great place to get started, since one-night stands are easy to initiate. However, after 9 one-night stands, switch over to the dating app.

Additionally, you’ll want to keep your character healthy and happy. Exercise, maintain your looks, and keep a healthy diet to ensure Bitizens will take you up on your offers. Lastly, if you get an STD, it needs to be cured or else you could end up with the Wicked Ribbon instead.

Mediocre Ribbon

The Mediocre Ribbon can be a bit tricky because its requirements are similar to the Lazy Ribbon. Simply spend your entire life doing next to nothing. Hop between jobs, like being a housekeeper, stay away from college, relationships, and the military. However, you need to die a natural death, not from suicide or diseases.

Model Bitizen Ribbon

The Model Bitizen Ribbon is a balancing act due to how close it comes to the Family Guy and Generous Ribbon. Generally, you want to be a good person by keeping your karma above 50%, nor should you indulge in alcohol and drugs. On top of that:

  • Have good relationships with your family
  • Offer gifts, money, and compliments to at least 10 people
  • Keep your net worth above $50k
  • Keep yourself out of debt

If you do have children, stick to one kid in order to avoid the Family Guy Ribbon. Lastly, it’s important to maintain the listed net worth rather than exceed it so you aren’t considered “rich.”

Monopoly Ribbon

There are a myriad of ways to approach the Monopoly Ribbon. It doesn’t really matter which career you follow, as long as you are able to do the following:

  • Purchase at least 10 homes
  • Hold onto them for, at minimum, 5 years
  • Sell them for a profit

Being wealthy certainly helps, but as long as you make over a million dollars buying and selling homes, you’ll be golden.

Mooch Ribbon

The Mooch Ribbon is one of the more goofier ribbons you can earn in BitLife. You need to essentially live off of the generosity of your family, including your wife or husband. Make a habit to ask everyone you have a relationship with for money. You’ll be eking out a living on the hard work of others, you bloodsucking vampire!

Movie Buff Ribbon

For the Movie Buff Ribbon, you can lead a fairly normal life, but much of that life should be spent watching movies. Grab yourself a decent job, maybe a date, and head to the movies as often as possible each year. If you can manage at least 20 movies in a lifetime, you’ll get the ribbon.

Rich Ribbon

As the name would suggest, you need to be quite wealthy to earn the Rich Ribbon. To be specific, your net worth should be above $2.5 million dollars by the time you die. However, don’t go past $4 million or you run the risk of earning Big Boss or Loaded. We have a handy guide on how to get rich if you’re interested!

Rowdy Ribbon

You want to essentially be an avid partygoer with an attitude to get yourself the Rowdy Ribbon. Spend your days going to the nightclub (at least 12 times), drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and throwing parties. Get into screaming matches with anyone giving you crap, but stay away from physical fights. If you end up getting addicted, go to rehab.

Scandalous Ribbon

The Scandalous Ribbon is a tough nut to crack due to its closeness to multiple ribbons. You need to spend at least 5 years in prison, but how you get there is tricky. Try to mix up the kinds of crimes you commit, but you should intentionally get caught. If you’re in prison for, say, 2 years, attempt an escape to extend your sentence.

Stupid Ribbon

If you thought the Lazy Ribbon made your Bitizen a waste of space, the Stupid Ribbon requires even less. You’re doing much of the same things—absolutely nothing—but you’re character also needs to be stupid. Drop out of school, do stupid things, and keep your Smarts stat as low as possible.

Successful Ribbon

Another ribbon that rubs elbows with Rich, Loaded, Family Guy, and Model Bitizen if you aren’t careful. For the Successful Ribbon, you have to:

  • Have a net worth of $250k
  • Live beyond 65 years, healthy and happy
  • Stay away from drugs, alcohol, and prison
  • Have strong relationships

Stick to having only one child to avoid the Family Guy Ribbon. Also, while you can give gifts, don’t be too generous to the put you end up with the Generous Ribbon.

Tarzan Ribbon

Unfortunately, the Tarzan Ribbon won’t be obtainable unless you have Bitizenship, which you pay for. This is because you need to adopt at least 20 exotic pets and commit your life to them. Additionally, you need to be:

  • A man
  • Have zero debt
  • Have a net work just below $1 million

It’s essentially like the Cat Lady Ribbon but with extra steps. You’ll find exotic pets by visiting the Exotic Pet Dealer.

Teammate Ribbon

Did you know the developers of BitLife, Candywriter have headquarters in Tucson and Miami? Well, it’s important to know since the Teammate Ribbon revolves around said locations. Pack your bags because you’re going to be an app developer!

In your early years, you want to be a brainiac in school. Focus on academics, visit the library, and study hard. You’ll need good grades and a high Smarts stat to attend University. When you’re there, pursue a degree in Computer Science. After graduating University, get a job as an app developer and devote your life to it.

Thief Ribbon

As the name would suggest, the Thief Ribbon is all about stealing, from a little old lady’s purse to burglarizing a home. Now, keep in mind that getting caught and spending 5 years in prison will qualify you for the Scandalous or Jailbird Ribbon.

When you steal, make it quick to avoid getting caught. If you can manage stealing from 10 different marks, which should include cars, houses, and people, then you’re good to go.

Unlucky Ribbon

The Unlucky Ribbon isn’t difficult to get, per se, it’s just incredibly random. You need to die before you’re 30 by no fault of your own. It could be cancer, a random terrorist attack, an STD, or a horrific plane crash.

The best thing you can do to try and force it is to take frequent trips by plane, have one-night stands without protection, or frequent large events. Just be careful not to earn the Lustful Ribbon by accident.

Veteran Ribbon

Ready for war? Well, that’s where you’re headed. For the Veteran Ribbon, join the military and reach the rank of Admiral, General, or Sergeant Major. Additionally, you should have three deployed mines under your belt and, hopefully, live to see retirement. You can retire when you’re 62, so try and stay alive until then.

Wasteful Ribbon

The easiest ribbon to obtain in BitLife. Go into Activities and choose the surrender option. For your time and effort, you’ll be given the Wasteful Ribbon. Yes, that’s all there is to this ribbon.

Wicked Ribbon

If you want the Wicked Ribbon in BitLife, you’ll need to commit one of two actions a total of five times (you can mix the two):

  • Give someone an STD
  • Abandon your child and or pet

In order to avoid the Lustful Ribbon, get into a relationship with someone while infected with an STD. Adopt a pet and have a baby while you’re at it. With this strategy, you can give your lover an STD, abandon a child and pet at the same time. After that, repeat any of the three options two more times and the Wicked Ribbon is yours.

Well, folks, that was the last of the ribbons in BitLife. You now have everything you need to know on how to get all Ribbons in BitLife. Let us know which Ribbons you have in BitLife in the comments! And don’t be afraid to peruse other content using the links below!

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How To Get All Ribbons in BitLife: Complete Bitlife Ribbons List (2024)
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