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Fatal miscommunication: English in aviation safety


ABSTRACT: This paper critically analyzes the use of English in the field of aviation. International airtraffic has played an increasingly important role in recent globalization, which stresses the massivemovement of people. Many pilots and air-traffic controllers having a variety of Englishes, in terms ofproficiency and local influence, share this communicative context. Proper use of phraseologic English is acrucial prerequisite for them to participate in the field. However, fatal accidents due to miscommunicationwhere insufficient and improper English were contributing factors have still occurred. With particularfocus on communication in air-traffic control (ATC), this paper reexamines some salient aviation acci-dents in order to critically analyze how communication breakdowns occurred and how various usages ofEnglishes account for them. It then introduces some attempts to avoid such communication breakdownsas well as analyzes limitations of those attempts. Finally, the paper proposes a few suggestions that mayhelp aviation personnel to cooperatively achieve a better communicative context in aviation.


The dynamic and increasing movement of people across geographical borders is one of the

essential elements constituting recent globalization (e.g., Appadurai, 1996). In the past half-century, the number of international travelers per year increased from 25 million in 1950 to

664 million in 1999, an average of 7 percent annual growth. Furthermore, it is predicted that

the number will reach 1.18 billion by 2020 (Griffin, 2002: 25). Air transportation plays a

central role in this massive movement of people. In this field, needless to say, the most crucial

requirement is always safety. Because air transportation is a highly systematic aggregation

of technologies, in order to achieve safety, enormous efforts have been made to improve

this system, which includes aircraft, maintenance facilities, airports, and navigation aids.

However, we still hear about tragic air accidents. One perpetual problem that contri-butes to accidents is miscommunication. Communication, especially between pilots and

air-traffic controllers, plays a crucial role (Kanki and Palmer, 1993). An overwhelming

majority of pilots and controllers agree: “good communication is as important as technical

proficiency for the safety of flight” (Wulle and Zerr, 1997: 91). Modern, large, and high-

speed aircraft cannot be operated only by the pilots. Such aircraft always need informa-

tion, instruction, and support from the ground through air-traffic control (ATC). In

addition, the amount of air traffic, especially in busy airspace around big terminals, has

become far larger than it was only a few decades ago. The great flexibility of voicecommunication allows pilots and controllers to exchange a large amount of information

promptly in busy airspace. However, the great flexibility can be a double-edged sword.

The flexibility can cause ambiguity and misunderstanding, which, consequently and on

rare occasions, lead to fatal results.

This paper examines various communication breakdowns in aircraft operation and

focuses on aviation English and, especially, on English being used in ATC. First, it

* School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 5115 Vilas CommunicationHall, 821 University Avenue Madison, WI 53705, USA. E-mail: [emailprotected]

ª Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2004, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

World Englishes, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 451–470, 2004. 0883–2919

Fatal miscommunication: English in aviation safety - [PDF Document] (2)

conceptualizes ATC as a communicative context that involves numerous participants

who must contend with a wide variety of Englishes, in terms of both proficiency and

local influences (e.g., the influence of a non-English native language), and briefly reviews

the nature of ATC communication, including the role of ATC, how English matters in

ATC communication, an overview of miscommunication in aviation, and a review of

previous research. Second, in its citing of several significant fatal accidents in which the

failure of communication was a contributing factor, the paper attempts to criticallyanalyze how those communication breakdowns occurred and how various Englishes

(from those that involve very insufficient proficiency to those that rely on a usage that

is too colloquial) account for these accidents. Third, while citing previous reports, docu-

ments, research, and personnel who have served in the field, the paper discusses some

attempts to avoid miscommunication, the limitations of these attempts, and further

suggestions for future improvements in this area.


Operating airplanes and the role of ATC communication

Kanki and Palmer (1993: 99) state, “there can be no doubt that operating modern

aircraft is a high-stakes profession with lives invested in every flight. It is therefore

reasonable to assume that communication plays an important part of this human activity

as it does in all others where individuals are trying to accomplish common goals andintegrate separate tasks.” Communication in aircraft operation takes a variety of forms,

and it plays key roles in the achievement of safety. Cabin attendants must communicate

effectively with passengers to instruct them in the emergency evacuation procedure.

Operational crews in the flight deck constantly communicate with each other to “cross-

check” hundreds of proper procedures from the checklist to maintain safe operation.

Among those various forms of aviation communication, ATC communication is the

main focus of this paper. It plays crucial roles in operating aircraft safely. It provides

pilots with diverse information, such as weather, airport, and other traffic reports. Itinstructs pilots to fly at altitudes, at speeds, with headings, and on routes, all of which are

precise and inflexible. It gives various clearances all the way from pushback from the

boarding gate to landing and taxiing at the destination airport. At the same time, pilots

are not merely passive recipients in ATC communication. They constantly give their flight

information to the controllers and request clearances. ATC communication especially

plays a crucial role in managing crises. When an emergency occurs, pilots need to rely

on ATC communication and instruction even more.

ATC and Englishes

Analyzing ATC communication provides us with many clues for an understanding of

how miscommunication occurs and how use of various Englishes accounts for miscom-

munication. First, and most important, ATC communication is more likely to involve

various Englishes than are other types of aviation communication simply because it often

takes place in cross-cultural and multi-lingual environments. Many pilots fly not only

domestically but also internationally. Merritt and Ratwatte (1997: 664) succinctly phrase

the issue: “regardless of the country of origin, any international flight by its very definition

is a multi-cultural experience.” Sullivan and Girginer (2002: 400) introduce a case from a

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Turkish airport, which well illustrates the nature of aviation English. During a nine-hour

period, 278 pilots communicated with the controllers. Among them, 160 pilots worked for

Turkish airlines, 14 worked for German airlines, and the rest worked for airlines from 26

different countries. Only two pilots worked for airlines based in the United States and

England, “in which English, the bases of Airspeak, is the native language.” Nonetheless,

these participants, regardless of country of origin, normally use English.

Even in “domestic” ATC contexts of English-speaking countries, such as the UnitedStates, many foreign pilots using a variety of local Englishes fly into their airspace. This

means that US air-traffic controllers need to handle a second-language environment

(Fallon, 1997: 76) with diverse Englishes. Whenever one participates in aviation, having

a decent command of English is a vital prerequisite. However, there are numerous

occurrences in which pilots and air-traffic controllers, each having different Englishes,

communicate with each other at any given moment and place in the world. Then, “the

global expansion of travel” increases such cases, as well as subsequent “language

problems” (Nordwall, 1997: 46).Despite of its significance, or paradoxically “because of” its significance, some historical

aviation accidents were primarily caused by ATC miscommunication, where insufficient and

idiosyncratic use of English was a contributing factor. Probably the most notable case is the

well-known “Tenerife Tragedy” in 1977 that killed 583 and injured 61 people, the largest-

ever accident in aviation history in terms of death toll. Two Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets collided

on the runway of Los Rodeos Airport in Tenerife, the Canary Islands. The crucial cause was

a miscommunication between the Dutch-speaking KLM captain and the Spanish-speaking

controller. Such accidents are not only from the distant past. For instance, in 1995, a Boeing757 crashed in Cali, Columbia, killing all 163 on board. Although the primary cause of the

accident was the American pilots’ faulty navigation, if the Spanish-speaking traffic con-

troller had given proper instruction, the accident could have been avoided. He, however,

failed to do so because of his insufficient English proficiency.

English has been the language predominantly used in aviation. It was originally estab-

lished as such by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1950. It is,

however, important to note that English is still not the mandatory official language in

ATC. Some countries, such as France and Italy and many from the former Soviet Union,still permit the use of their own languages besides English for their domestic ATC

(Itokawa, 2000: 52). However, realistically speaking, if one cannot use English, one cannot

participate in the field.

Many pilots and air-traffic controllers whose mother tongue is not English have to acquire

English during their flight training. In addition, not only do they have to use English at a

highly practical level, but they also need to do so while flawlessly performing their official

tasks: the safe operation of aircraft and the safe maintenance of airspace. At the same time,

pilots and controllers who speak English as their mother tongue sometimes fail to commu-nicate, and on rare occasions, a failure in ATC communication leads to fatal accidents.

Studying communication failure in aviation

Because of its crucial role, miscommunication and its role in aviation accidents have been

studied extensively. A Boeing study about the prevention of aircraft accidents found that

miscommunication between pilot and controller contributed to at least 11 percent of fatal

airplane crashes worldwide in the period of 1982–991 (Ritter, 1996: 7A). More broadly,

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another analysis has claimed, “over 70% of aviation accidents result from crew coordination

and communication as opposed to lack of individual technical skills” (Lautman et al., cited in

Orasanu, 1993: 137). Similarly, Connell (1996: 20) notes that the initial five-year period of

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Aviation Safety Report-

ing System (ASRS) reports that “over 70 per cent (out of 28,000) of the reports submitted

noted problems in the transfer in information in the aviation system.” Apart from those

quantitative summaries, qualitative research has also been conducted. For example,Kanki and Palmer (1993) recommended the application of field observation, simulation

studies, and discourse analysis to transcripts from co*ckpit voice recorders (CVRs: one of

the “black boxes”).

However, studies with a particular focus on cross-cultural communication and idiosyn-

cratic uses of Englishes have been relatively underdeveloped. Typically, these are uni-

formly treated as “one of many causes” of miscommunication and accident. Steven

Cushing’s (1994a) Fatal Words, perhaps one of the most thorough analyses of the topic

(and, hence, widely cited in related literature), is a rare exception, focusing on languageuse in a cross-cultural context. One explanation for this structure, the relatively small

emphasis on idiosyncratic uses of Englishes, is that the majority of miscommunication

studies have been conducted in the United States, which is “the birthplace of aviation”

and “dominate(s) the aviation industry, both as manufacturers and operators,” and

the majority of its operation only involves “native speakers” of English (Merritt and

Ratwatte, 1997: 663). However, this does not necessarily indicate any insignificance of

problems about idiosyncratic uses of Englishes. Orasanu, Fischer, and Davison (1997:

140–2) analyze incident reports from NASA’s ASRS. When pilots report problemsregarding cross-cultural communication, they identify “language/accent,” “dual-language

switching [in non-English-speaking countries, speaking in English to foreign pilots, but

simultaneously speaking in the local language to local pilots],” and “[different] reception

across languages” as among the most frequently reported problems. NASA (1996,

November) also acknowledges the problem: “25% of the reports cited language problem

as a primary cause of the foreign airspace operational incidents reported to ASRS.”

Few broader theoretical concepts are noteworthy in the analysis of ATC communication. By

referring to Goffman (1981), Sullivan and Girginer (2002: 400) define ATC communication “assuccessive one-to-one interaction with multiple ratified participants, both addressed and

unaddressed.” And it is important to note that the interlocutors cannot see each other because

of their reliance on the radio. If we theorize ATC as a communicative context, we can

distinguish its unique characteristics from those of other contexts. It is perhaps the most extreme

context where participants put their maximum effort to achieve crystal-clear communication by

avoiding any ambiguity, described as “phraseologies, designed to be as simple as possible within

the constraint of a very technical subject, and phrased so as to eliminate any ambiguity” (Field,

cited in Johnson, 1994: 84). To do so, ATC communication removes various factors thatnormally give communicative context flexibility and depth, such as formality, politeness, and

differences in social class, culture, age, and gender. In this regard, one may theorize ATC as a

communicative context in which “contextual influences” are intentionally removed.

However, even though ATC communication is solely designed to be mistake-free,

miscommunication occurs. To analyze it, Orasanu, Davison, and Fischer (1997: 674)

categorize three major models of ATC miscommunication: “wrong information,” “loss

of situation awareness,” and “lack of shared situation models.” And insufficient profici-

ency in and idiosyncratic uses of English could further deteriorate those. “Wrong

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information” simply refers to situations where “wrong information [is] transmitted and

received” between pilot and controller. For example, a pilot hears “two” as “to,” while the

controller meant “two.” A lack of “native sense” about English prepositions can be a

cause for this mistake. “Loss of situation awareness” is a particularly serious problem in

non-English airspace. If local pilots in a non-English-speaking country use their own

language in their ATC communication, foreign pilots in the same airspace may not

understand “what’s going on.” Monitoring ATC communication in the area where apilot is flying is crucial to understanding the situation, even if the particular line of

ATC communication is not intended for his or her flight. By monitoring such “party-

line information,” pilots can “visualize” the airspace, such as the number of airplanes and

their altitudes, positions, and flying directions. However, non-English party-line talk likely

makes it unable for foreign pilots to understand the situation if they are not familiar with

the local language. Finally, “lack of shared situation models” refers to a more complex

situation: “it is a failure of participants to build a shared understanding of the situation at

a team level” (Orasanu, Davison, and Fischer, 1997: 674). For example, a pilot reports amechanical trouble to a controller; however, while the former perceives it as “an

emergency,” the latter may perceive the same not as an emergency, but merely as “a

trouble.” Such connotations may be less adequately transmitted in a second-language-

speaking environment.

Methodologically, ATC miscommunication can be analyzed through discourse analysis,

in-depth interview, survey, self-reporting database, and so on. While the first two are often

used to analyze actual accidents, the next two are used for preventive studies. One

important consideration in the conducting of such studies is anonymity. It is importantto preserve the anonymity of pilots and controllers who are contributing their experiences

of miscommunication. They might have violated proper operation procedures and created

dangerous situations. Nonetheless, the ultimate goal of such studies is to learn preventive

means from these people’s precious experiences, but not to punish them for their mistakes.

NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System is one such attempt. It is a voluntary and an

anonymous reporting system that has successfully gathered over 400,000 reports from

aviation personnel since 1976.


Insufficient English proficiency

Despite the crucial role of English in the field, some fundamental flaws in English skills

have led to disasters in the air. The biggest accident in 1996 (November 12), a mid-air

collision between Saudi Arabian Airlines’ Boeing 747 and Kazakhstan Airlines’ Ilyushin

76, killing 351 people near Deli, India, was allegedly due to a lack of English comprehen-sion on the part of the Kazakhstan crews. Indian air traffic controllers have complained

that pilots from the former Soviet Union have a poor command of English (Jenish, 1996:

113; News breaks, 1996: 17). Another report points out that those pilots’ individual flying

skills might be first-rate; however, the pilots might have limited English skills (Upgrade

pilot English standards, 1994: 90). The Kazakhstan pilots might not have understood the

instructions given by the Indian controller, although the content of the instructions was

altitude, one of the most basic instructions for whoever flies airplanes (Burns, 1996: A1;

Morrocco and Singh, 1996: 35).

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In terms of aviation safety, English proficiency matters not only for pilots and air-traffic

controllers. When Garuda Indonesian Airways’ DC-10 jet crashed near f*ckuoka Inter-

national Airport in Japan on June 13, 1996, the survivors criticized the cabin attendants’

lack of English- and Japanese-language skills, a lack that led to the deaths of three

passengers and the injury of 110. After taking off, the plane, which was moving at a

relatively slow speed, crashed on a flat and soft rice paddy. It also took a while for the fire

to break out. However, because of the crews’ insufficient language skills, the properevacuation procedure was neither promptly nor fully communicated.

Even insufficient English proficiency of a single member of a cargo-handling crew could

contribute to a fatal accident. Turkish Airlines’ DC-10 jet crashed near Paris on March 3,

1972, killing all 346 aboard. That was the largest air disaster at that time and is still listed

as the fourth largest accident in terms of death toll. This accident was primarily due to the

defective design of the DC-10’s cargo door. However, the manufacturer, McDonnell

Douglas, had not fundamentally modified the defect by that time; rather, it put a caution

sign (a small metal plate) near the door, as one of its superficial solutions. The signinstructed the proper cargo-door closing procedure, but it was only written in English.

If cargo-handling crews properly followed the instruction, the door could be closed

securely. Otherwise, it could open when the aircraft reached a certain altitude, thus

making the aircraft depressurized and uncontrollable, which was precisely what happened

to the airplane. The French cargo-handling ground worker was not able to read English

and, as a result, closed the door improperly. It is probable that he did not even know the

purpose of the caution sign. After the crash, McDonnell Douglas accused the cargo-

handling worker of not following the sign. However, the French officials, of course,strongly opposed McDonnell Douglas (Yanagida, 1991: 46–7, 76–7). It became a political

debate. This suggests the importance of mistake-free or even foolproof design, rather than

language-oriented or language-based instruction.

Another accident also suggests the failure of language-based warning systems. On

November 13, 1993, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82 jet crashed in Urumqi, China, while

it was approaching to land, killing 12 and injuring 24. The airplane did not have enough

altitude to be on the proper glide slope to reach the runway. Its ground-proximity warning

system went off to notify the pilots that it was flying too low. However, unfortunately, thepilots, all native speakers of Chinese, could not understand or capture a very basic English

phrase for flying airplanes: “pull-up,” the succinct caution that the warning system

yielded. Later, by analyzing the aircraft’s co*ckpit voice recorder, the investigators heard

the pilot’s last words: he asked, in his native Chinese, “What does ‘pull up, pull up’

mean?” as the warning went off (Calvert and Connet, 1997: 4; Proctor, 1996: 144). This

example probably sounds like an unbelievably poor failure of communication, even for

people who are unfamiliar with aviation.

One important lesson from the aforementioned accidents is the limitation of language-based warning systems. Although aircraft have such warning systems, which often utilize

the latest technology, they have a great potential for failure simply because the operators

of the systems may not be proficient in the language being used, predominantly English.

Moreover, there is a more complex question about such systems in terms of man–machine

interface design philosophy and language use. A voice warning system is actually a very

effective means to warn pilots of unusual occurrences. Rather than require individual

pilots – by themselves – to receive a warning, the voice warning system automatically

jumps into pilots’ auditory perception. If a visual indicator, such as a lamp, notifies a pilot

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of an unusual occurrence, the pilot would, first, have to notice that the lamp was lit. There

is always the possibility that the pilot would miss it because usually he or she constantly

needs to pay visual attention to other things, such as other instruments and the area

outside. Second, pilots have to read what the visual indicator means; this implies three

further problems: (1) a pilot often has to distinguish the meaning of the particular visual

indicator from numerous other visual indicators and instruments; (2) to do so, the pilot

has likely to discontinue what he is doing; then, (3) such a sequence requires some amountof time. Needless to say, engineers who develop devices for notifying pilots of events must

take time into consideration because time – specifically, the rapidity of a successful

warning – is crucial to the design of any warning system in modern high-speed aircraft

that can fly more than 250 meters (270 yards) per second. A study shows that the total

time needed to execute three key actions – an initial recognition of a visual indicator, the

distinguishing or interpreting of its meaning, and quick action to control the aircraft –

may take more than 10 seconds, which gives enough time for the aircraft to fly 1.56 miles

(2.5 kilometers) (Yanagida, 1991). On the other hand, voice warning systems can providepilots with necessary information promptly without forcing them to actively read signs.

However, the crucial presumption of such audio-based systems is that all pilots should

well understand the language being used: again, exclusively English. However, this pre-

sumption may not be true. English voice warning may “not appear so strikingly” to pilots

who do not posses high proficiency in English, although they may eventually understand

the meaning. They might need some seconds to translate what the warning system is

telling them. This essentially means that the promptness of the voice-warning system does

not work as the designer intended. This examination suggests a possible failure of this newsafety system and philosophy, the voice-warning system, and ultimately the limitations of

language-based instruction and warning systems in general.

English proficiency beyond phraseologic usage

Although most participants of ATC communication have English proficiency to a

satisfactory extent, that may not be enough, especially when something unusual, such as

an emergency, occurs. This section presents two examples illustrating this problem oflimited English proficiency under unusual and emergency circ*mstances.

The aforementioned accident of American Airlines’ Boeing 757 in Cali, Columbia on

December 20, 1995 was partly due to the lack of English proficiency of the Spanish-

speaking controller. When American Airlines’ Flight 965 from Miami to Cali was about to

reach its destination, the pilots lost their position. Of course, they attempted to confirm

the position. Unfortunately, however, following several confusing lines of miscommunica-

tion between the pilots and the controller, the captain engaged the autopilot to steer the

plane toward a wrong navigation beacon. Eventually, the plane crashed into mountainousterrain (Ladken, 1996).

The Columbian air-traffic controller later told the accident investigators in his native

Spanish that the content of the radio transmission from the American pilots did not make

much sense to him. However, he also acknowledged that he would have questioned the

pilots or elaborated the situation if the pilots had been Spanish speakers (Ladken, 1996:

23). He said that “their request made no sense, that their request was illogical, incon-

gruent, but I did not know how to convey those thoughts to the American flight crew … in

English” (Lunsford, 1996: A1).

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The other accident illustrates a complicated situation in which the lack of English

proficiency might not seem to be the primary cause of the accident; however, misunder-

standings based on limited English lexicon and comprehension actually deteriorated the

situation and led to a fatal result. On January 25, 1990, when Colombian Avianca’s

Boeing 707 was approaching its destination, New York’s J. F. Kennedy International

Airport, the plane was required to remain in several holding patterns (flying around the

airport awaiting further landing instructions) due to bad weather conditions. However,the plane did not have sufficient fuel left to do so, and the pilots attempted to tell the

controller that. However, the first officer, who was communicating with the controller,

used ambiguous expressions like “need for priority,” instead of clearly declaring “an

emergency” (National Transport Safety Board, 1991: 56–7). As a result, the New York

controller never realized that the airplane was in an emergency situation, and he never

gave an emergency clearance for it to land prior to the others. The airplane eventually ran

out of fuel and crashed near the airport, killing 72. If the pilots had explicitly declared an

emergency, they would have been given a priority to land (Standard terms sought for airtraffic control, 1996: A15).

One question is how well the Colombian Spanish-speaking pilots recognized the real

implication of the phrases like “need for priority” and “landing priority” in English. Later

the American air-traffic controller(s) argued that those phrases did not really indicate a

sense of emergency for them. However, the Columbian authority counter-argued that the

use of those phrases was originally suggested through the Boeing 707’s flight training

manual provided by Boeing Company (NTSB investigates air traffic control flows in

Avianca crash, 1990: 19; National Transport Safety Board, 1991: 56). Thus, the Columbianpilots might have believed that those phrases they uttered should mean fuel emergency.

However, this interpretation and recognition did not apply to the American controller.

Of course, it is reasonable that the controller did not know the flight manual of the

aircraft. If the pilots had had enough proficiency in English, the accident could have been

avoided because they would have known that phrases like “need for priority” did not imply

emergency. This is a very clear example of the “lack of shared situation model,” where

limited English proficiency is a contributing factor. However, it is unreasonable to

expect pilots whose mother tongue is not English to be proficient enough to handle sucha nuance-oriented or connotative, hence, ambiguous, ATC communication. Rather, clearer

misunderstanding-free ATC commands should be established.

Those two analyses suggest one fundamental question about ATC communication:

How well can pilots and controllers handle a situation beyond normal circ*mstances?

Actually, ATC communication is highly “formulated” and “standardized” (Orasanu,

Davison, and Fischer, 1997: 136). Under normal circ*mstances, pilots use a vocabulary

of around 200 phraseologic English words and phrases according to English teachers and

flight instructors who are specialized in the teaching of pilots, especially, ESL pilots(Brown, 1997: 25; John Hamilton, personal conversation, 1997). However, this number

is clearly not enough to account for most emergency situations. In the case of the

American Flight 957, it is easy to accuse the Columbian controller for possessing an

insufficient grasp of English lexicon; in fact, a substantial number of American media

accused him and aviation personnel throughout Central and South America for lacking

adequate English skills. However, the plane was flying over a non-English-speaking

country. Colombians may counter-argue that it is a one-sided and hegemonic accusation

unjustifiably biased against them. If the American crews had been able to speak Spanish

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even to some extent, and they had let the controller notify them about their mistake in

Spanish, the accident could have been avoided. Accusing only the individual Spanish-

speaking controller does not fundamentally solve the problem at all. Rather, it is important

to establish error-resistant and easy ATC communication methods for emergencies.

Local English – the Tenerife tragedy

The worst accident in the aviation history was the Tenerife accident in the Canary

Islands, an on-runway collision between two Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets on March 27, 1977.

The sequence of this historical accident includes several important aspects of communica-

tion breakdown that this paper has already discussed. In addition, this was a case where

“code-switching” (Cushing, 1994b: 50) or “code-mixing” played a crucial role. Code-switching/mixing can be seen among almost all multi-language speakers. A brief definition

of code-mixing is “the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound

morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from two distinct gram-

matical (sub-) systems within the same sentence and speech event” (Bokamba, 1989: 278).

The departing Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) Flight 4805 was waiting at the end of a

runway of the Los Rodeos Airport for takeoff, while the Pan American (PAA) Flight 1736

was attempting to turn off from the runway onto a taxiway (see figure 1). The accident

occurred under unfortunate and chaotic conditions. The two planes’ pilots were unable tosee each other because of the low-altitude cloud and fog. There were unexpectedly and

unusually many airplanes at the airport because a bomb explosion at nearby Las Palmas

Airport diverted them to Los Rodeos. Many were chartered flights and not familiar with

the area and the airport. The airport was small and not quite designed for the Jumbo Jet.

Because of the chaotic conditions, many planes had been forced to wait for a long time.

The pilots might have been frustrated and fatigued. Under such conditions, the KLM

airplane started its takeoff run while the PAA airplane was still on the runway and crashed

into the latter. The KLM airplane had already reached its lift-off speed (280 km/h,175 miles/h) and slightly lifted off the ground when it collided with the PAA airplane.

The accident killed 583 and injured 61 people.

PAA 1736 wasstill on therunway

(B) KLM 4805was, however,already doing atakeoff run(17:06:18)


(A) The controllerthought KLM 4805was waiting attakeoff position(17:06:18)


Control Tower Taxiway PAA 1736tried to turn in

Figure 1. Sequence of collision

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Why did the KLM pilots start the takeoff run, and why did the controller fail to stop it?

There is a key miscommunication stemming from this accident that helps us to understand

this fatal sequence of events. The following is an excerpt from the transcript of their radio

transmission (see also Figure 1). The KLM captain was a Dutch speaker, and the

controller was a Spanish speaker.

(1) 17:05:44 KLM 4805 Captain: “The KLM four eight zero five is now ready for takeoff, and we

are waiting for our ATC clearance.”

(2) 17:05:53 Controller (Tower): “KLM four eight zero five, you are cleared to the Papa Beacon,

climb to maintain flight level niner zero, right turn after takeoff, proceed with heading four

zero until intercepting the three two five radial from Las Palmas VOR.”

–He gave some instruction for what to do after taking off. Note: NO takeoff clearance,

however, was given at this point.

(3) 17:06:09 KLM 4805 Captain: “Ah, roger sir, we are cleared to Papa Beacon, flight level.…–

repeating the instruction given by the controller. We are now at takeoff.”

(4) 17:06:18 Controller: “OK. Stand by for takeoff. I call you.”

Interrupted by another radio �! (Cushing 1994b: 50)


First of all, unless simultaneously giving a takeoff clearance, the controller should not

have given the KLM pilots post-takeoff instructions (2). Although this is not an unusual

practice, the informing of pilots about what to do after takeoff might give the pilots theillusion that they have already obtained a takeoff clearance. Nonetheless, because no

takeoff clearance had been given, the KLM pilots should not have started their takeoff

run. Besides those problems, the most problematic utterance in the transcript is “We are

now at takeoff,” made by the KLM captain (3). This is actually a very nonstandard phrase

from the ATC English. This can be interpreted as either

(5) “We are now at the takeoff position.” OR

(6) “We are now (actually) taking off.”

The former indicates that the airplane is not in motion but is waiting at the end of the

runway for a further takeoff clearance. The latter indicates that the airplane is in its

takeoff run on the runway. Needless to say, these two are totally different situations. The

controller interpreted the phrase, “We are now at takeoff,” as indicating that the airplanewas not in motion and was waiting for a takeoff clearance (shown in dotted line as (A) in

Figure 1). However, it had already started its takeoff run. The controller actually

instructed the pilots to “stand by for takeoff” (4) (that is, to wait for a further takeoff

clearance); however, very unfortunately, someone else’s radio transmission interrupted

this particular instruction, and the KLM pilots missed the instruction. As a result, they

kept accelerating the airplane until it collided with the PAA plane.

The most significant question is why the KLM captain uttered, “We are now at

takeoff,” although this was a non-standard expression. Some analyses argue that hisnative language, Dutch, has a clue for an understanding of what he really meant by this

unusual phrase. In Dutch, the present progressive tense of a verb is expressed by the

equivalent of the preposition “at” in English plus the infinitive of the verb (Meiker and

Smit, 1963: 36; Joost De Bruin, personal conversation, 2002). This is what the Captain did

(Cushing, 1994b). Maybe because of the highly frustrated situation and fatigue, he

unintentionally used the present progressive form of his native Dutch, although what he

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spoke was still English. In other words, he did code-mixing at a syntactic level. He really

meant that he was “in the process of a takeoff run.” However, the controller interpreted it

differently. Again, the “lack of shared situation model” is evident here. If the controller

had realized what the captain really meant, he could definitely have stopped the fatal

takeoff run. The captain was one of the most experienced pilots in KLM, and in fact was

the chief examiner of its Boeing 747 pilot-training program. He had been using aviation

English intensively for decades, and he should have had very high English proficiency.Furthermore, the Netherlands was one of the European countries that had permitted only

English for its ATC and prohibited all other languages including its native language,

Dutch. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that he had been using only English during his

entire pilot career. However, even such an experienced pilot, both in flying and in using

ATC English, could not be totally free from the influence of his native language. The very

small phrase, or even the one preposition, that he unconsciously uttered by code-mixing

led to this fatal result. This example illustrates a deeply rooted problem beyond a super-

ficial discussion of English proficiency.

Non-phraseologic and too colloquial English

In the examples above, controllers did not accurately interpret what the pilots intended to

transmit. As a result, the New York controller disregarded the emergency fuel situation of theairplane, and the Tenerife controller did not realize that the KLM jet had started its takeoff

run. Party 1 can first misinterpret what party 2 means; then, the misinterpretation often

becomes party 1’s presupposition, which leads to further miscommunication. This is a perpe-

tuated problem for any type of human communication. ATC communication is not an

exception. Also, it is important to note that such a sequence of miscommunication holds not

only among people having insufficient English proficiency or local influence, but also, or

rather, among “native English speakers” who tend to rely on too colloquial, non-phraseologic,

and ambiguous English. This induces misunderstanding and danger (Wulle and Zerr, 1997: 90).

Eastern 401

The Eastern Airlines’ Flight 401, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, from New York toMiami, crashed into the Everglades near Miami International Airport on December 29,

1972, killing 99 out of 176 on board. Although there were several factors that mutually led

up to the airplane’s crash, one miscommunication played a key role. In this case, both the

pilots and the controller were native speakers of English. While the plane was in the final

approach to the airport, the pilots, who had lowered the landing-gear lever, noticed that

the lamp normally indicating the down position of the nose gear was not lit. They were not

sure whether this really indicated that the landing gear was not down or simply that the

indicator’s bulb was dead. They then attempted to check the bulb. Since this would takeminutes, they notified the controller about the problem and obtained a go-around clear-

ance to terminate the initial landing and to circle around the airport. Then, they activated

the autopilot, which was supposed to maintain a constant altitude of 2,000 feet, without

the pilots’ having to fly the airplane.

However, while checking the bulb, the captain unconsciously pushed the control wheel,

which disengaged the autopilot.2 As a result, the plane started a gradual descent without

the pilots’ noticing it. However, the controller, who was watching the plane through the

radar, noticed the descent. Then, the controller asked the pilots,

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(7) 23:41:40 Controller: “Eastern, ah, four oh one, how are things coming there?”

Then, the Captain responded,

(8) 23:41:44 Captain: “Okay, we’d to turn around and come, come back in.”

23:42:12 The plane crashed into the Everglades.

(National Transport Safety Board, 1973: 5)

The controller intended to check the alteration of altitude (descending) in (7). However,

unfortunately, that inquiry was made immediately after the pilots confirmed the nose gear

was actually in the lowered position. The captain misunderstood the question: he believed

that the controller had asked him about the landing gear problem; however, the question

truly concerned the descent, of which the captain was unaware. In (8), what the captain

meant by “okay” concerned the landing gear, while the controller mistakenly believed thatthe “okay” concerned the descent (Cushing, 1994a: 19; Yanagida, 1991: 118–20). They

were talking about two totally different topics: the descent for the controller and the

landing gear for the captain. However, as a result of the captain’s “okay” response, the

controller thought that the descent was under the pilots’ intentional control, which

became his wrong presupposition. However, in fact, nothing and no one was flying the

airplane at that time. The autopilot had been disengaged; the pilots were not flying the

airplane either. The pilots needed to follow up the landing-gear problem for a while after

the radio transmission. Because of his wrong presupposition, the controller stoppedpaying attention to the Eastern flight on the radar screen. The aircraft kept descending.

Eventually, when the pilots heard the warning alarm of the minimal ground proximity

going off, it was too late for them to regain control of the airplane.

This accident clearly illustrates the danger of using ambiguous and too colloquial English.

The controller should have explicitly asked the pilots something like, “Confirm you are

descending” or “Report your altitude,” instead of “how are things coming there?” At the

same time, when the pilots were asked ambiguously “how are things coming there,” they

should have clarified what the controller meant. This is also a clear example of “lack of sharedsituation model.” However, in contrast to the aforementioned Avianca crash case in New

York involving Spanish-speaking pilots, the use of too colloquial English among native

English speakers was a contributing factor. Hypothetically and ironically, if at least one of

the participants had been a non-native speaker of English who could use only phraseologic

expressions, such colloquial and ambiguous uses of English might not have occurred and

the accident could have been avoided (see, Sullivan and Girginer 2000: 402). Merritt and

Ratwatte (1997: 664) argue that, among ESL pilots and controllers, “clear, concise verba-

lization of intent and requirements must take place and be undertaken ‘by text book’.”In many cases, communication failures may not be the primary cause of accidents.

Usually almost all aviation accidents are caused by multiple interacting factors. However,

communication failure often plays a crucial role in aggravating the situation, and proper

communication could rescue an airplane from a fatal result. If the Miami controller had

confirmed the Eastern jet’s altitude properly, the crash could quite possibly have been

avoided. If the KLM captain had used the proper standard expression, the controller

could have easily given further instructions to stop the plane from continuing the fatal

takeoff run. Proper communication has a great potential to save airplanes from problem-atic situations which can lead to fatal accidents.

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Needless to say, a number of attempts to avoid miscommunication in ATC have been

developed and practiced. Their roles can also be crucial when the communication involvespeople using various Englishes. Some attempts are even familiar to ordinary passengers.

While an emergency evacuation procedure is instructed before takeoff, the passengers

normally see printed instructions installed in the seatback pocket. If we carefully looked at

these instructions, we would realize that many of them utilize universally recognizable

photographs, illustrations, and icons instead of verbal language. This is especially import-

ant for international operations because it is likely that different passengers whose

languages differ share the same seats over time.

Even if verbal instruction is needed in case of an emergency, using a highly simplifiedand universally comprehensible language is crucial. A veteran Japanese flight attendant

who had exclusively flown internationally acknowledges that, because her flights could go

anywhere in the world, the flight attendants are trained to use a very simplified language

to instruct passengers about emergency evacuation procedures. For instance, if passengers

need to evacuate from the plane by the emergency slides, the attendants must only shout

“jump, jump.” Such simplified language is important not only for passengers having a

variety of native languages, but also for multi-national flight attendants needing to

effectively communicate with each other (Naoko Izutsu, personal conversation 1997).Some basic linguistic attempts to avoid ATC miscommunication have been used for a

long time. The most simple, but famous, example is the use of “niner” instead of “nine”

for the numeral 9. It should be pronounced “niner” to avoid confusion with “nein” that

means “no” in German. Pilots having a German-language background might be confused

when they hear “nine.” They then might do something improper as a result. All pilots and

controllers must use “niner” instead of “nine.” For instance, “29.92” has to be read “two

niner point (or decimal) niner two.” Similarly, all pilots and controllers also have to use

the ICAO phonetic alphabet shown in Table 1 (Cessna Pilot Center, 1996: 5–23). Forexample, a call sign, “N978GQ,” should be read “November niner seven eight golf

Quebec.” This is especially helpful for some pilots and controllers who, largely because

of their respective native languages, experience great difficulties with English. In particu-

lar, the letters in the English alphabet, such as “B” versus “V,” “M” versus “N,” and “L”

versus “R,” are difficult for such pilots and controllers to hear and pronounce clearly.

When ATC communication involves the transmission of questions and answers, it

requires some specific ways to avoid misunderstanding. For instance, if a pilot were

asked by a controller “Confirm are you at 9,000 feet,” the pilot would have to answereither “affirmative” or “negative.” Another good example is the use of a commonly known

word, roger. Strictly speaking, it only means, “I have received your transmission,” and in fact,

the word was derived from “Received.” It does not necessarily mean, “I will comply with what

you have asked.” Thus, for example, if a controller asked a pilot, “Climb and maintain 19,000

feet,” then, if the pilot replied “Roger,” he or she would not make any sense, technically, to

the controller. This reply does not tell the controller whether or not the pilot will comply with

the instruction. The pilot should either say, “Will comply,” or repeat/readback, “(I) Climb

and maintain 19,000 feet,” if he intends to comply. In such contexts, the latter response – therepeating or the readbacking of what the pilot has been told – is better because it reconfirms

the content of the instruction, and because the controller can verify that the pilot has correctly

received the instruction (Wulle and Zerr, 1997: 91). If the pilot does not intend to comply, he

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or she should say “unable.” Only when a controller gives a pilot information but not

instructions, such as “Wind 240 (degree) at 5 (knot),” the pilot may reply, “Roger.” Thismeans that the pilot has merely received the information.

Cross-cultural co*ckpit/cabin-resource management has become an important issue as inter-

national operations have increased (Johnson, 1993). For instance, an international flight is

often operated by multi-national crews who have various Englishes. The crews, such as pilots

and flight attendants, need to use written instructions and take a certain amount of time

during the pre-flight briefing to clarify their duties in work environments where the partici-

pants have different native languages and have to commonly communicate through English.

However, such a multi-lingual-crew environment has a potential to alienate “languageminorities.” An anonymous American flight engineer who works for a Japanese airline

acknowledges that he always feels a kind of isolation and discomfort when he flies with

Japanese-speaking pilots.3 Of course, all intra-crew conversation for flight operations uses

English. However, he often feels isolated when the other Japanese crews speak something

colloquial (not for flight operation) in Japanese in the co*ckpit. Although he has not

experienced any significant failure due to this language barrier, and the English profi-

ciency of those Japanese crews is acceptable, he acknowledges that he prefers to do his

work within a team whose members are all native speakers of English.4

Such “language alienation” exists in much broader, beyond intra-co*ckpit, communication

contexts and poses a serious threat to safety. As briefly reviewed earlier, language alienation

in a given airspace is often a threat to “situation awareness.” Pilots do not only commu-

nicate with their air-traffic controllers about their own flights. They constantly monitor the

communication between controllers and pilots of other airplanes in the same airspace. By

monitoring such “party-line” ATC information, they can build broader situation awareness

about the airspace in which they are flying. A veteran captain for a US airline explains his

concern with actual examples. When he flew over the countries of the former Soviet Union,although controllers spoke to him in English, they and local pilots simultaneously commu-

nicated with each other in Russian. Orasanu, Fischer, and Davison (1997: 141–2) specifi-

cally refer to this problem as “dual-language switching.” Beyond what he was told by the

controllers, he could not understand any of the rest of the situation. His comprehension

about the airspace was limited. As he notes, “I often don’t understand what’s really going

on there.” If all party-line communication was in English, he could know information like

how many planes are waiting to land, their plane types, and the order of landing prior to his

plane’s. Then, he could more clearly predict what he would have to do and could be moreprepared (e.g., fuel management). This problem also exists in other nations. France permits

the use of French for its domestic ATC. Foreign pilots often complain about this because

they find themselves confronted with a widened context that they simply cannot understand

unless they understand French (Schwartz, 1997, CN1).

One simple solution for the loss of situation awareness due to language alienation may be

to require all pilots, no matter where, to use only English. However, the reality is not that

Table 1. ICAO phonetic alphabet

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India

Julia Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo

Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu

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simple. Enforcing them to use only English seemingly enhances the safety of foreign airplanes

flying into the airspace. However, in an airspace over a region where English is not commonly

spoken, local pilots are not likely to be proficient in English. Thus, to require such pilots and

controllers to use only English would likely threaten the safety of such airspace.

By the end of the 1990s, English proficiency requirements for aviation personnel was

determined by the licensing authority of each country (Schwartz, 1997: CN1). No inter-

national standard had been established. For instance, the Spanish-speaking Columbiacontroller, who did not possess sufficient English proficiency to notify the American

Airlines’ flight of the dangerous situation, was a qualified controller in Columbia. Accord-

ing to a report released by NTSB and the Colombian aviation authority, his academic

performance in English was “above average with grades between 85 and 96 out of a

perfect score of 100” (Language lapse cited in Colombian air crash, 1996: A9). However,

as discussed, his English was not sufficient to handle the “beyond ordinary and

phraseologic” circ*mstance.

Many foreign pilots and controllers have their training in the United States. Majorairlines across the world mostly have training facilities in the United States. If an airline

does not have such a facility, it normally sends its student pilots to US pilot schools. The

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulation regarding English proficiency was

tightened in the late 1990s. The Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 61 had once

permitted FAA certified examiners to issue airman’s licenses with an “English limitation”

for pilots whose native language was not English. However, the new FAR Part 61

(61–141), which became effective in October 1997, eliminated the issuance of such

language-limitation licenses. All student pilots and controllers have to have a certainlevel of English proficiency as long as they wish to receive training in the United States.

At the same time that it is used to train pilots and controllers whose native languages are

not English, aviation English itself can be modified to be friendlier to them. For example,

multiple fixes (location indicator for navigation: normally a five-letter code) in a given area

can sound confusing to the area’s aviation personnel. A US airline pilot notes his experience

regarding two fixes near Japan, NOGAL and NOGAR, which sound very confusing to

Japanese controllers, who generally cannot, when speaking and listening, distinguish “L”

from “R.” He suggests that changing those names (fixes) would be much “user friendlier,”hence enhancing safety of this particular airspace (NASA, n.d., ASRS No. 242971).

As reviewed through past accidents, to improve communication skills also matters for

pilots and controllers who use English as a native language. The US airline’s captain, who

has been cited earlier, stresses that English-speaking pilots have to learn to be accustomed

to the idiosyncratic characters of local Englishes in non-English-speaking countries. When

he started flying to Japan and China, he had experienced many difficulties and problems

in his ATC communication with Japanese and Chinese controllers. However, he now

experiences almost no problem in communicating with them. He feels that he has becomeaccustomed to the ways in which the Japanese and the Chinese controllers speak English.

He stresses that this includes knowing not only their peculiar pronunciation but, more

importantly, their preference – due to their limited English lexicon – for words and phrases.

And such preferences should vary depending on ESL speakers’ native languages. In add-

ition, he also emphasizes the importance of using easy and comprehensible English in the

presence of non-native-English-speaking controllers and pilots. He said that this strategy

has tremendously helped to improve flight safety (Dan Winchelt, personal conversation,


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A number of other pilots have also contributed similar suggestions in terms of what

native-English-speaking aviation personnel ought to do. Referring to his experiences in

Venezuela, a US airline pilot contributed one suggestion to NASA’s Aviation Safety

Reporting System (ASRS):

If they just slowed down and tried to enunciate clrly [clearly] it would help immensely. Of course

it goes both ways, we should speak slowly and clrly [clearly] to them using standard phrase-

ology … Bottom line: when operating in foreign airspace, do not accept anything other than

absolute certainty that they know what you are doing, and you understand what they want you

to do – even if it takes several confirming radio calls. (NASA, n.d., ASRS No. 431752)

Merritt and Ratwatte (1997: 665) further stress the important role of native speakers of

English in this cross-cultural communication in aviation:

Language training may also be necessary. English is the official language of aviation and its

practice should be mandated, however, language training is not just for the non-native speaker of

English. Anglo pilots, who have been arbitrarily granted the linguistic advantage, should be

taught how to communicate simply, slowly, and precisely with non-Anglo personnel as required.

Many experts in this field suggest that native-English-speaking pilots and controllers

should not only speak slowly and clearly, but also use standard ATC English. In their

discourse analysis of ATC communications in Turkey, Sullivan and Girginer (2002) found

that Turkish air-traffic controllers were experiencing difficulty in understanding collo-

quial, vague, and complex English syntax used by native-English-speaking pilots flying

into Turkish airspace. Connell (1996: 22) acknowledges that, generally, pilots show “lower

levels of awareness of proper phraseology and weaker adherence to proper protocols”

than air-traffic controllers. Thus, a similar problem likely takes place in any airspace innon-English-speaking regions of the world in which native-English-speaking pilots fly.

This essentially means that those native-English-speaking pilots are endangering lives in

those airspaces. Itokawa (2000: 52) also argues that non-phraseologic and fast-rate ATC

communication in English-speaking countries and airspace is more problematic than

phraseologic communication in non-English-speaking airspace. He refers to some extre-

mely busy airspaces in the United States, such as New York and Los Angeles, as examples

of this problem. In fact, Fegyveresi (1997: 82–3) surveyed air-traffic controllers in the New

York area and found that they tend to talk rapidly under stress (e.g., extreme amounts oftraffic), even though they simultaneously admit that “rate adjustment” (i.e., slowing

down) is a very effective way to communicate with pilots with limited English proficiency.

Thus, the fundamental problem may not be their use of language itself, but the congestion of

those airspaces. At any event, the use of colloquial, non-phraseologic, and fast-rate English

ATC communication alienates non-native-English-speaking pilots, just as use of a non-

English language in a non-English airspace alienates English-speaking pilots flying there.


Among various means that pilots and controllers utilize to operate airplanes safely, the

crucial role of voice communication has remained the same or will even become greater inthe future. Voice communication through the radio is a very effective way to transmit

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substantial information between pilots and controllers regardless of the distance between

them. It also allows them to make many decisions and carry out practices promptly within

a limited amount of time. Contents in ATC communication can also change flexibly based

on their contextual elements, such as weather, the airspace’s congestion, and emergency

needs. The importance and the usefulness of voice communication are largely based on

voice communication’s flexibility that makes the transfer of complex contents possible.

However, those superior characteristics of voice communication can be a double-edgedsword. While analyzing ATC miscommunication, Cushing (1989: 4) insightfully notes,

While voice has a natural appeal as the preferred means of communication both among humans

themselves and between humans and machines – as the form of communication that people find

most convenient – the complexity and flexibility of natural language are problematic, because of

the confusions and misunderstandings that can arise as a result of ambiguity, unclear reference,

intonation peculiarities, implicit inference, and presupposition.

Those may be universal aspects of any kind of human communication and potentially

cause a variety of problems in almost all fields of human activities that involve use of

language. However, in terms of avoiding fatal results, communication in aviation is

perhaps one of the few important fields that need critical examination. To maintain safe

operation, pilots and controllers have to use voice communication at a highly practical

level and heavily rely on it. Simultaneously, they are always faced with a number of

problematic aspects of communication, as Cushing argues.

Since ATC is a communicative space that involves numerous people having differentEnglishes, in terms of both different degrees of proficiency and different local influences,

how to establish a mistake-free standard English is always a crucial consideration. Often,

miscommunication in aviation is simply attributed to a lack of English proficiency when

the pilots or controllers are non-native speakers of English. Needless to say, pilots and

controllers whose native language is not English are indeed some of the most seriously

task-oriented second-language speakers around. They carry tremendous responsibility in

maintaining safety through their command of English. If an accident occurs, they defi-

nitely cannot be excused from responsibility for the accident simply because their languageabilities were insufficient. Their lack of English proficiency has been criticized whenever

their communication failures led to a fatal accident. Then, it has been stressed that they

must simply work harder to acquire higher English proficiency. Many would agree that all

those non-native English speakers in aviation always need to improve their English


However, merely and hegemonically blaming their language inabilities or limitations for

preventable accidents will not fundamentally solve the problem. It is important to notice

that the ultimate goal is “not to improve their English proficiency itself,” but “to avoidfatal accidents due to miscommunication.” Their effort in acquiring English proficiency

may have certain limitations or will reach a “ceiling,” as it were. Although the KLM

captain of the Tenerife accident had made intensive use of aviation English for decades, he

was still not totally free from interference from his native language. Therefore, we should

sincerely and rigorously strive to create an error-resistant and mistake-free language


At the same time, pilots and controllers who have high proficiency in English still use

improper English and miscommunicate, two shortcomings that can lead, and have led, to

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fatal results. And importantly, they interact with pilots and controllers whose English may

be limited and has local influence. Such interaction through ATC radio is taking place

millions of times a day anywhere in the sky. Furthermore, because ATC should rely on

phraseology and what Lippi-Green (cited in Kubota, 2001: 47) argues can be a very

precise cautionary rule for Anglo-speaking pilots and controllers, “standard behavior

does not come naturally, and indeed, just as natural languages are never static.” Essen-

tially, they have to be trained to fully use ATC phraseology.In this regard, linguistics and language educators can greatly contribute to this yet-to-be-

extensively-researched area. For example, language educators having expertise in local

Englishes can make a great contribution. They may develop region-specific aviation-ESL

training programs. They can conduct research to analyze idiosyncratic usage and difficulties

of local English in a given airspace, and their finding can be a great “safety-enhancing

resource” for all pilots who fly into the airspace. Researchers of cross-cultural communica-

tion may provide meaningful suggestions for the improvement of cross-cultural crew-

resource management in the co*ckpit. The importance of and demand for the area ofaviation English will certainly increase simply because of the rapid increase of international

air traffic. Their research and effort will greatly benefit the whole world by saving lives.


1. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2003 annual conference of the International Commu-nication Association, San Diego, CA. The author would like to thank Professor Jane Zuengler and theanonymous WE reviewers for their insightful comments and valuable suggestions regarding previous draftsof this essay.

2. The autopilot could be disengaged, by pushing or pulling the control wheel, with a force more than 6.5 kg/14.5 lbs, in order for the pilots to promptly regain their initiative to control the aircraft without turning theautopilot switch off.

3. The operating of some large aircraft requires flight engineers who are also in the co*ckpit. Rather than fly theaircraft directly, they monitor and control the instruments and the whole system of the aircraft, such asengines and cabin pressure.

4. The flight engineer refused to be named in this paper.


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470 Atsushi Tajima

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Fatal miscommunication: English in aviation safety - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is miscommunication in aviation English? ›

Miscommunication in ATC can be either result of human factors or linguistic factors such as hom*ophony or accent, or other language-related errors. To avoid possible miscommunication, these factors must be recognized as a possible threat to aviation safety and treated adequately.

What is an aviation safety pdf? ›

Aviation safety involves design of aircraft and airports, training of ground personnel and flight crew members' maintenance of aircraft, airfields, en route and terminal area navigation and communication facilities definition and implementation of Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)l air traffic control procedures and ...

How many aviation accidents are caused by miscommunication? ›

A recent survey of the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) database on incidents involving General Aviation (GA) aircraft revealed that one third of the GA incidents were associated with communications difficulties.

What can be done to avoid miscommunication between air traffic controllers and pilots? ›

Standard phraseology and the use of english language are the best things to ensure a good communication between the pilot and the air traffic controller. Hoever, if something goes wrong, be prepared to explain and rephrase things.

What are the three types of miscommunication? ›

McRoy and Hirst distinguish three types of miscommunication: Misunderstanding, where one participant believes she has a complete and correct interpretation which is not what was intended by the other participant, Non-understanding, in which a participant fails to obtain an interpretation or obtains more than one ...

What are the 4 W's of aviation communication? ›

Remember the 4 W's of ATC

Who you're calling: Clearly state the name of the facility you're calling. Who you are: State your full aircraft identification as filed in the flight plan. Where you are: State your position. What you want: State your request.

What are the FAA safety rules called? ›

The Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) are rules prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) governing all aviation activities in the United States.

What is safety first in aviation? ›

"Safety First" is published by the Flight Safety Department of Airbus. It is a source of specialist safety information for the use of flight and ground crew members who fly and maintain Airbus aircraft.

What is the number one cause of miscommunication? ›

Falling short of active listening

One of the main causes of miscommunication at work is inactive listening. While we pretend to actively listen to what our colleague has to say, we are mostly too preoccupied with planning our own response.

How many deaths are caused by miscommunication? ›

One study conducted in the late 1990s found that poor communication was responsible for causing between 44 000 and 98 000 patient deaths annually in American hospitals alone.

What do you mean by miscommunication? ›

: failure to communicate clearly.

What are the causes of miscommunication in aviation? ›

Many Aviation Accidents Are the Result of Miscommunication
  • Language barriers. ...
  • Incorrect terminology. ...
  • Number confusion. ...
  • Ambiguous phrasing. ...
  • Failure to confirm. ...
  • Untimely transmissions. ...
  • Equipment and technology problems.

How to improve aviation communication? ›

How to improve your pilot communication skills
  1. Know the roles. ...
  2. Keep a 3D picture in your head. ...
  3. Listen anywhere you can. ...
  4. Go to busy airports. ...
  5. Use flight following on cross countries. ...
  6. Slow down. ...
  7. Don't overthink it.
Apr 16, 2018

What is the communication loop in aviation? ›

The pilot / controller communication loop constitutes a confirmation / correction process that ensures the integrity of communications. Whenever adverse factors are likely to affect communications, strict adherence to this closed loop constitutes a line-of-defense against communication errors.

What is a miscommunication in English language? ›

Meaning of miscommunication in English

failure to communicate ideas or intentions successfully: A spokeswoman blamed the confusion on miscommunication between the company and its customers.

How do you explain miscommunication? ›

Miscommunication is simply a breakdown in the communication process. It's a failure to make your thoughts, feelings, and/or ideas known to others clearly and concisely. It's not just the messenger who can be at fault; miscommunication can also occur if someone doesn't fully listen to what's being communicated to them.

What are the communication errors in aviation? ›

Communication errors in the co*ckpit can have serious consequences for flight safety and performance. They can result from various factors, such as language barriers, workload, stress, fatigue, noise, distractions, or lack of standardization.

What is miscommunication example? ›

Examples of miscommunication include: 1. Ambiguous Language: Using words or phrases that have multiple meanings can lead to confusion. For instance, the phrase "I saw her duck" could be interpreted as seeing a bird or observing someone physically lowering themselves.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.